Palm Hotsync and beta


Anyone care to report of any experiences b/n the latest Panther build and Palm Hotsync? Does it work? Or will we Palm users will again have to wait for Palm to update?

One nice thing about staying all Apple (hint, Apple branded PDA) is that we don't have to wait for 3rd parties to update their softwares whenever there's a new OS release... :rolleyes:
Thanks guys for the confirmation on Palm and Hotsync!

Cool, I'll update my work computer once I hear just a tad more confirmation of the relationship b/n 7b85 and GM. :D
Installed 7b85 and my Palm M515 on Palm Desktop 4.1 hotsync'ed without any problems. All the Palm and 3rd party modules I used had no problems. eg. PocketQuicken, WorldMate, iSilo, Entourage, BrainForest, Adobe Reader, StarAlliance Timetable...

So 7b85 is solid in this regard. Hopefully it's of use to late comers.