Panasonic NetCam and OSX - Help!


After reading that the wireless BLC30A Panasonic network camera should work seamlesly with OSX (even though advertised as Windows only) I am ticked off that I cannot figure out how to make this happen. I hooked it via ethernet cable for setup into my airport and when I put it's dedicated IP in the browser I get nothing back. I am sure it is a simple fix i.e. port no. or other network setting but I am stumped!

Would greatly appreciate any advise anyone has especially anyone who has successfully done this,
Regards, Ciaran.
Apologies - just read the note in respect this forum is for How-Tos only - would still appreciate advise though!
Figured it all out - all working - no help from here though - was expecting more from this forum - oh well.

I was considering purchasing the same camera. Wondering what you did to fix your issue, and how you like the camera so far.