Panther (10.3) Rumor Screenshot Mockup

HEy hey hey ... what's all that METAL? It's not everywhere ;) :)

I hope thats not real, purple is such a "SOFT" color. Unless the image lost a shade or too, because that is a very soft purple. I'd like to see it clear, or graphite.
LoopRumors has their Panther report up. They claim that it will use Metal for the applications system wide. Not the system itself (ie, the Finder), but just the apps. We'll see how that plays out.

They also outline a few other features that they claim will make it in to the OS.

Read it for yourself....

Well it looked a few shades off, that range between purpl and pink, closer to purple on my display. Soft none the less.
Am I being dumb? Apart from the nice artwork (good job Ricky), what is the difference between the Jaguar and Panther appearence? I can get the brushed metal look from the Metalfizer haxie. Or is it just that - that the haxie is now core code?

8 hours & 54 layers huh...? Man, you need to get out more :p

Yeah yeah, I know. But I'm forced to use Winblows at work! I work for AMD's compatibility test lab. So I tried to make my windows look and feel as much like a Mac as possible. At the end of the day, I'm very glad to get home to my good-ol macs!
I don't understand... were is Apple going on with this OS X thing?
I'm not very happy with this new look :(
It's too windows...
You've got to be kidding, right? That mockup was a joke, it's really Windows with a Mac theme. If you had read my previous email, you would have known that.

Anyway, where is everyone elses mockups? Come on, I know some of you are really good with photoshop!
Mine looks more like a mac. pwharff, but that's only cos I used ResHacker to play with things, and I didn't sacrifice what you did to make it look right :).

StyleXP is wonderful, plus IceMan's got some awesome tricks and tips and things (

On top of that, I have a mac (PB G3 Wallstreet) so I can steal the wallpapers, images, screensavers, everything :).

So on both machines, I have a dock (I use Y'z Dock, not ObjectDock), each with identical objects and icons in the dock, plus they both have the Jaguar interface and Finder icons (none of that Panther stuff :)), plus an iChat skin for Trilly Pro. Then I have my System Tray icons looking remarkably like the icons from OS X (black and white, and the [<] button looks like the ethernet icon off the macs). Plus there're shadows on everything, using Y'z Shadow.

It's nice, but it's still no mac. I wish I could afford a G4PB... *sigh*.