Panther 7A179 - detailed report with screenshots

Even more screenshots and reviews and links now on - and it's free, too! ;-)

(Just kidding. I'm glad about all those reviews. Also because some people tend to find other things than myself...)
It is nice to read the reviews, and those lucky enough to have a preview version. Panther looks promising, and I can't wait for its release.
I have two questions. One, does Panther remember the size of windows? And two, is the interface faster?
The interface is faster. What do you mean by: Does it remember? My Jaguar always remembered window sizes. Sometimes too often so. :)
Remembering window sizes has always been a problem in X, still is. Haven't tried changing with Panther yet.
Hmm... I've never quite gotten that. Maybe because I'm a fan of column view...
It seems that some people have issues, where I have none whatsoever. But I'm quite a fan of clean systems (nothing APE for example and similar 'haxies'). I'm also the person that from the beginning of OS X tried to adapt to the way Apple wanted us to use OS X (instead of the OS 9 way of customising the system around the user), so I might be more 'default' than others.

For me, the past three or four days have been bliss, since everything worked and worked so fine. Exposé is something I have a hard time getting used to, but I like it and am slowly getting the hang of it.

One issue I'm having is that after some time, the Apple-Tab app switcher just doesn't come up again. Then I go on working for a while using the Dock to switch apps, before I logout and back in - which solves the problem. I guess the app-switcher is an app of its own that eventually dies without restarting, but I haven't found out what it's called (or perhaps it's not as expected, maybe a part of the Dock...?) so I can't launch it by hand.
Nothing to do with the window sizes... Or almost nothing :D but here it is:

I don't know if anyone mentioned this before but to me this is one of the best things in the "new" Finder!

You know about the "new" iTunes-like left constant viewable column? Yes, the one which has your disks/images and folders/etc always viewable!

If you double click in the right line that separates this column with the other ones (the one with the small circle/dot) it turns out that this "always" viewable column slides to the left and the Finder looks exactly like the old Jaguar one! If you want it viewable again just double click it but this time at the left column line...

Damn my english! :o Just give it a shot people and you will get it! :D ;)
Originally posted by macosXrumors
The feature you just gave is mentioned on my article... well maybe I didn't explain it as well as you did so thanks for that ;).

...of course you have that already there!

Other than your site, I didn't read that anywhere else... Did you or like me you discovered this by yourself?

Anyways, nice review for Panther! :D
Yes, actually I think there are a lot of things not mentioned elsewhere yet that we can discover when we have the build running on a dedicated Mac all day. I'm trying to find such details for the next report (part 2). I'm happy that you enjoyed this first one.
Originally posted by i am yujin
Originally posted by ddma
I wonder if the preview release is stable enough for daily use?

...for home use or even light pro work it is stable enough but I wouldn't run that deadline project on it! :p

For someone who isn't a brave soul I wouldn't recommend it either! For example you may have things in Finder not displayed correctly or some things not loading at all or load now, fail to load some other time, etc... But with a dual boot Jaguar/Panther system, 100% is a go! :D
I just looked at the pictures, and I think the interface looks a little inconsistent.

Text Edit for example has this nice grey topbar.
The Finder again has this Brushed Metal Look.

But then again, I never was a big fan of the Brushed Metal Look. I think it's too heavy on the eyes.
Originally posted by hulkaros
...for home use or even light pro work it is stable enough but I wouldn't run that deadline project on it! :p

For someone who isn't a brave soul I wouldn't recommend it either! For example you may have things in Finder not displayed correctly or some things not loading at all or load now, fail to load some other time, etc... But with a dual boot Jaguar/Panther system, 100% is a go! :D
How do you dual boot it?
I mean like when you install it..what do you do?
Originally posted by i am yujin
How do you dual boot it?
I mean like when you install it..what do you do?

The best thing to do in order to install Panther Preview is to have an external FireWire hard disk or have 2 partitions of your main internal hard disk! Other than those solutions I cannot guarantee you anything! :rolleyes:

In order to dual boot between OS X.2 and X.3 you will have to use StartUp Disk from System Preferences! Or after you hear that startup sound of your Mac by pressing and holding the Option (Alt) key of your Mac until a Boot Selection screen will come up! :cool:

As for how to install the Panther Preview if you managed to install Jaguar you should be fine with Panther too! :D