Panther can't hang up properly?


Digital Music Pimp
I tried one of the very early Panther betas, and found many bugs in it, the biggest one being that it wouldn't "disconnect" properly if the call dropped out (the phone line is crappy at best).

4 months later, a final release, and it still does the same thing? I'm starting to wonder if my networking isn't completely screwey (there is another thread not too old about my panther not accepting an ip address through system prefs.)

Sometimes, it tries to connect, reports "connect script failed" (in Int. Connect log) and then sits there trying to "disconnect" (even though it is clearly disconnected already. The worse times, is when i turn it on, it tries to access something on the net (time, konfab weather widget info or whatever) and the script fails. I then have to reboot it (after just turning it on) in order to connect. this is driving me insane.