PANTHER economics

I think it's ridiculous that Microsoft isn't expecting to release a new operating system for at least 3 more years. I mean, what are they, lazy? Apple has provided us with major upgrades every year since OS X's release and, while you could argue that Panther is what Puma should have been, it is still a very new OS compared to any other and it shouldn't be expected to be perfect immediately.

Why should Apple be compared to Microsoft in this? Why not compare Microsoft to Apple? They release OS updates very irregularly at best and charge at least $200 for the Home (read: crippled) version. Apple releases updates yearly to improve or introduce major and minor features that are lacking in the old version, and charges $200... for the 5-pack! I don't see Microsoft offering any deals on multiple copies of Windows.
fryke said:
Also, if you don't like Mac OS X, just stop buying it. But oh, I see. You _do_ like Panther. Well, then enjoy it. Btw.: You can avoid the upgrade prices by also upgrading to new Macs that come with the new versions for free. ;)

would it not just be cheaper buying the OS instead of getting a whole new mac?
It seems Waiting-For-OSX is gone. Anyway, he cannot back up (as I asked) his post's protests. This thread would've gone nowhere.