Panther -- How much?

Supposedly it will cost $129 according to the WWDC03 and it has 100 new features... Or so I heard...
Steve Jobs said, live on stage, that it'd cost 129$. Glad we already know that now.

I'll get a copy the day they hit the shops here...
i'll buy it. i think this is even a better upgrade than jaguar was. i was only thinking last week, how on earth can they make 10.2 better? only a couple of features sprang to mind (user switching, better finder) but it seems they've gone and read my mind and implemented stuff i didn't even know i wanted. yet again i'm so happy to be an apple user - i almost feel priveliged that there's a massive team of innovative and intelligent people developing software that make my life easier, and (in the scheme of things) it costs pittance to obtain. well done again apple.

for a good clip check out , and how's this for irony? the theme song they use is "right here, right now" by Fat Boy Slim. :D
When will machines be panther native? Or is it any machine that you buy after WWDC will have Panther installed?
Well, I must say, I'm in love with Expose, and I haven't even used it yet. just hope it looks decent with my PowerBook and no Quartz Extreme.

Oh well. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy. And I'm glad I get a college discount, too! It's only 70-something, then. :-D
Originally posted by drustar
Or is it any machine that you buy after WWDC will have Panther installed?

Panther won't be released until....sometime (can't remember, does someone else know?). So no. Not yet. But they will soon :D
I'll be there on the first day as well. I just have to wonder (a little) if Panther, especially with so many new features, will be buggy at first, as Jaguar was once it hit gold status. It took it a few updates to get it going.
And how will it work on older machines? It seems made for the newer machines. How are iBooks and eMacs and iMacs going to handle it.
That said, they should release Expose now for the $29, then let us pay the other $100 come fall for the rest.
I assume the $129 price is for the out of the box copy. What happens if you only just bought 10.2 Jaguar (two months ago) - is there an upgrade price? i.e. cheaper...:mad:
I belive Jaguar will be released with the new G5s as they will have it pre-installed.

I'm assuming you meant Panther, not Jaguar, and it won't be released with the G5s. Jobs said it would be released "sometime this year", which in Jobs speak means Dec. 31st at 11:59PM.

Seriously, I doubt Panther will ship before the holiday season. Apple apparently sees no reason to rush it (with Longhorn continously slipping in delivery date), and they want to get it right.
The upgrade price is probably $129.00 and $69.00 for educational discount.

I stopped worrying about upgrade prices and am now just waiting for the presale hype to begin.
I am ready and willing to give my money to Apple for Panther/10.3, but only if it will run on my iMac (450 G3, 576 MB Built-In RAM, 8 MB ATi Rage 128 Pro AGP) at an acceptable speed. I don't need all of the fancy Quartz Extreme animation (rotating cubes, for example), just the features like Exposé and Fast User Switching.

But it sure does look nice, either way :D.