Panther: PowerBook Fan


I'm currently running 10.3.1 and noticed my Powerbook's fan runs more frequent than in Jaguar. Only Safari is opened loading normal HTML pages with no special java application and the fan still kicks in. I've opened Activity Monitor and besides from Activity Monitor, Safari and WindowServer, the rest are at 0% CPU usage.

Is this normal? I've tried to do a search on the forum and web, but all I've heard is that in Panther the Powerbook fan won't turn on as often.

Works just regular here. Which powerbook do you have? The fan is not just for the cpu. When you have a high disc use, the fan will also turn on, eventhough the cpu is idle.
Zammy-Sam said:
Works just regular here. Which powerbook do you have? The fan is not just for the cpu. When you have a high disc use, the fan will also turn on, eventhough the cpu is idle.

Woops, sorry, meant to put my machine specs on the bottom, but pressed the submit button too early.

I have a 15" Ti Powerbook (1GHz, 1GB Ram, 60GB drive, Superdrive). BTW, no CD was inserted.
Ok, one example:
have a very similar system here. Progs running: finder, launchbar, safari, mail, icq, text
339mb ram free, 10% cpu use.
And my fan is running (quite noticeable if I may add). But this was the same with jaguar..
I have earlier model of 15" Ti PB (800 mhz + 512 RAM) but have notice the fan noise only when playing heavy graphic games like MoH or while working with large graphic files. Most of the time it's very quiet......Jaguar or Panther.
Yeah, so now I'm a bit suspicious of what went wrong. In Jaguar, the fan would only come on if Photoshop is opened. But just using Safari the fan would not come on except now in Panther it does.

I'm wondering if it could be the CPU performance. Now I noticed that my Powerbook operates a bit faster in Panther. For example I timed the startup of Photoshop and it used to be 19 secs, but now it only takes 14 secs.

Could you guys help me check in your Energy Saver, under "Options". Is your processor performance on "Highest" or "Reduced"?

I think panther is using more of your GPU performance with simple app switching and font-smoothing and also some anti-aliasing effects here and there. Doesn't look like much, but it is eating a lot of performance. I have my options on auto which lets the cpu run at max, when needed and reduced when it is most of the time idle. I can recommend this option. Allows me to use my tibook for almost 4 hours.
Thanks for all the replies. I reset the PMU on my Powerbook and I believe everything is normal. I can run Safari for 50 minutes without the fan kicking in.