Panther system requirements?


Hey guys, I've learned a lot just observing in here for a while and I guess I finally have a question that I haven't really had the answer to.
First off, I'm using a Powerbook G3 500 Pismo w/512 ram. Is this going to be sufficient in running 10.3? I really don't have the money to go out and buy a new Powerbook at this time, if needed, so I'm wondering what options I should consider. I see that Powerlogix has two different upgrade processors for the Pismo. Which would be better suited with 10.3? There's the G4 500, and then the G3 900. I know that all the new software is enhanced by the Velocity engine and all, but the processor speed difference has to come into play with the 900 over the 500. Any suggestions?

Heard that Panther seems to run better (than Jaguar, for example) on some older Macs. whether this is true remains to be seen. Panther is not announced yet, including any recommended hardware. Watch the Mac news sites in the coming weeks, maybe you'll see that all you will need is purchasing Panther! For a processor upgrade, you would have to decide on power or speed, IMHO, a tossup between those 2 choices.
I have jaguar running on my iMac (see below for specs) and it's good enough for me, i keep 5-10 apps open most of the time and don't give it a real easy time but it's pretty snappy (and i only have 256mb ram...) but jaguar was an improvement over cheetah (10.1, is that what it was calle?) and panther is rumored to be another improvement over jaguar.
my guess is that panther woujld run just fine on your pismo with no upgrades, and with 500mb ram it should be quite responsive. wish i had a laptop!
Even though most software needs better hardware for newer versions than older software, an OS should be made to run well on older systems, at least to an extent. I doubt you'd get far trying to run it on a 60X-based processor, but just about any G3 or G4 should be fine.

As for the G3/900 vs. the G4/500: It depends on what you do. If you do lots of stuff that takes advantage of Altivec, go for the G4 upgrade. If not, then you'd be well off with either (probably the cheaper option). That's if you need or decide to upgrade, of course.
Welcome, factory81!

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