

I installed Panther last night and after hours of playing and installing I shut it down, as you do.

However, it took ages to shutdown. When I restarted, it had all reset - as if I had just installed it. I had to set up all my email accounts again, change view prefs back, etc.

Has anyone else had this? I'm worried for the future - and for my sanity.


ps. Is there a list of things that won't work yet (ie. I can't install WMP5 and Intellipoint driver for my WheelMouse Optical - yes, I know. Bloody Microsoft products).
poogis said:
When I restarted, it had all reset - as if I had just installed it. I had to set up all my email accounts again, change view prefs back, etc.

Are you using File-vault? I've heard there are issues with it not re-crypting everything on logout/shutdown.
Yes, I was using File Vault.

I turned it off and - guess what - it reset everything again!

I successfully installed the Intellipoint software, but found that it wouldn't install unless I tried to install it with the installer located on the actual OS X drive.

I quickly removed it, though, as it seems that the Intellipoint software and Panther's own mouse software were trying to fight over who controls the mouse. Pointer speed was difficult to set to my liking. Scrolling options in the Intellipoint software had no effect on the actual scrolling. I liked having the wheel button set to double-click, but that's not a show-stopper so I uninstalled it in favor of the standard mouse controls under OS X.
I'm thinking about trying it, but for now I've got my extra buttons set to perform the Exposé functions... kinda cool! A number of times, out of pure habit, I'll hit the middle button which I used to have set to double-click and Exposé will kick in instead... hehe... startling but cool!

Thanks for the suggestion!
i'm still getting used to the keys i set for Exposé, but it is a great feature, i'm starting to use it more naturally now, and it's a dream for a 14 inch iBook....since well, the resolution is sort of, they could have pumped it up to 1152x768..or 1280x1024...the ati in there could have sure handled it, heh. :p