Parallels and or fears of attack


Hi all

I am a newby to the forum and although I have been using Macs for a few years now , I am not really a programmer of any sort and have zero knowledge of Mac osx.

I have the following situation running a MBP2.5 ghz intel 2 10.5.5

I had installed Parallels and never installed Windows in any shape or form.

Looking at my Network connections I am showing Parallels - Host Guest and
Parallels NAT which have IPS and even if I disconnect it shows as connect just without IPS.

In the finder window under shared areas I am showing 2 server PC´s on called a-desk and one called barca ... none of which I have no idea what they are.

When i connect as guest they show file for 'adobe pdf 6' ,desktop ini., my music my picture my video.

When I shut down the airport they disappear.... AM I UNDER ATTACK or is htis just linked to parallels ??

Also i keep getting prompted that safari wants to use my keychain ´login´which I cancel.

Im also using little snitch to look into network connections ...

Please help !!!
Parallels installs some "virtual" network interfaces, which show up in the "Network" pane of the System Preferences, in order to manage network communications inside the virtual machines. Perfectly normal, nothing to get worried about. If you uninstall Parallels, those interfaces will go away.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you're using a cable modem to connect to the internet, right? If so, you're probably seeing other people's computers since cable modems basically put you on the same network as other users in your general area (your city block, your neighborhood, etc.).