Parallels and Time Machine


After upgrading to Leopard I decided to give Time Machine a whirl -- and I had to turn it off recently since it causes sever delays with using Parallels, even if I tell it to ignore the Parallels folder!

I have several Parallels virtual machines defined, and some of them have rather large disk images (50-100GB in size). The disk I was using for Time Machine did not have room for them anyway, so I told Time Machine to ignore the entire Parallels folder with all of the virtual machine definitions and their disk images.

The only problem was that as I was using one of the virtual machines and it did something to update one of the larger disk images, there was a 5-12 second delay, and even a spinning beach ball, on all such accesses. Since I use these virtual machines quite heavily for testing and debugging, and even support SQL Server databases, this made them VERY slow and awkward to use. So, I turned off Time Machine and the delays went away!

Now to me this seems like a bug in the system -- even though I told Time Machine to ignore the folder and its contents, changes to the disk images are still being passed to Time Machine, and it seems to take some time to decide what to do about it!

Does anyone know if there is something I can do to change this? I like Time Machine and would like to keep using it (even planned a larger disk so the Parallels files could be included), but cannot if the delays are going to be this severe!