parallels desktop question


The help guide for parallels desktop not helpful, so I can't seem to find answer for what must be a simple problem. How do I adjust the size of the screen for XP? That is, the parallels window comes up very small within the Mac OS, and the only option seems to be full screen mode. Isn't there something in between, so the screen is large enough to use but so that the Mac applications don't disappear into deep background?

You right click on the desktop in parallels and change the resolution of the Windows screen, that's how I did it I think.
If you have the newly-released version of Parallels Desktop, you can resize your XP window simply by dragging the bottom right corner, and Parallels will auto-size the resolution to that new window size. It's one of the new features - try Coherent Mode to allow Windows apps and windows to appear much like a Mac window.
Yeah, i was about to install the new beta when i had to send my MBP back to apple for a replacement as i had a line across the screen :(
ora I has the same issue few months back in summer cause someone at work screwed it with pencil and there was a green line in middle going across. I sent them it was repaired in 3 weeks
I have a new Intel iMac running Parallels.

Whenever I click on the bottom right hand corner of a window to drag to increase the size the Windows Operating System will reboot. This is every time without fail. I cannot resize a window without Windows XP rebooting.

I have called Parallels, and after no response I paid them $30.00 to call me but still have not heard from them.

Anyone out there have advice?
Have you been able to install the Parallels Tools successfully?
Can you resize the Windows video by right-clicking on the desktop, choosing properties, then changing settings to adjust the video settings?
Are you using a Boot Camp partition for your Windows install, or installed Win as a guest OS?
Have you wiped the Windows install and installed a second time?
Are you running the latest beta from Parallels (currently build 3106)?

You paid $30, expecting them to call you? Is that what you were told? Did they give you any idea how long you might get to wait?
Normally, those call plans are for you to call them...