
Maybe you should edit your post becuase your grammar is terrible.
By the way, is your post a statement or a question?
Sorry, my first post was actually moved from an email that I had sent to support. I am running Parallels in order to run Auto Desk through Windows. For some reason that I cant determine, my USB powered external hard drive is accepted by my Mac OS but I cant get wndows to aknowledge it. I can't figure what has changed because the Hard Drive was working fine up until a couple weeks ago.
Urm, have you ejected it using OSX? Only plug in the external after windows has loaded up and is selected. I dont think its possible to have OSX and Windows recognise the harddrive simultaneously.
Whenever I plug in the HD it instanly is reconized by my mac only is

We can be more helpful with your question when you ask one in an understandable format... :)
If you are native non-English, try a different translator site, which may result in a better translation. If you are posting in English, try reading what you write. It's hard to decipher, but here's my best guess:

There is a Devices menu in Parallels. Some devices can be brought up by choosing the relevant item from that menu, such as USB/drives (or something similar. Search a little through that menu for something that might help you get a device to mount in Windows. You will also find info that can help you in the Parallels User Guide - looks like page 124 will help you with adding USB devices and setting USB options.
I have tried Delta macs suggetion a few times already. One of the possobilities is the usb isnt supplying enough power to run the HD on both OS.

I am gonna try purchasing an outside power source for the external HD

Unless... how can I change the settings on my MAC to keep the usb from autoconnecting into my MAC OS???
I think that if your external disk is formatted as HFS+ (normal for OSX), you cannot read it with Windows. You would need to format it with another format (FAT32, NTFS) to read it with Windows. At least that's what I understand from my own Parallels and BootCamp experience.