Paralysis due Windows partition?


Hello folks, Johnny here. I'd like to submit a strange issue that's been happening to me ever since I made a partition for Windows using Bootcamp. I'm using a MacBook intel core 2 duo (2 gigs RAM and 2GHz processor) and, as I was saying, after I made the partition I've been having trouble every time I log in with my username. Yeah, I made two profiles, one with public access and restrictions and the other, mine, with password and admin position.

So anyway, when I try to write my password, 2 times on 3 the computer won't proceed and the waiting cursos (rainbow like spinner) starts to move; after this, I can wait even half a hour (I tried!) before the log in takes place, or before I could even write my password and press the return key. Only solution left to me is to shut down the computer by keeping pressed the start button (emergency shut down) and re-start it again. After that, most of the times, I can log in normally, but sometimes I have to emergency shut down AGAIN. Did any of you folks experienced this kind of bug already?