Partitioning in MacOS X


Dear all,
I'm very happy to be here to share our experience on MacOS aspects. I've a doubt regarding to the partitioning in MacOS X as following:

I've MacBook with me (HDD capactity is 160 GB). I'd like to install 2 OS included MacOS by default and Windows XP that run parallel. I've tried with BootCamp and the problem is resolved perfectly.

After sometimes, I found that I can not write the data to Windows XP partition from MacOS for sharing data since of NTFS issue. I found that in order to write data to Windows XP partition from MacOS, I've to format that partition with FAT instead of NTFS. Once again, if I use FAT, there is a limitation on capacity of 32 GB whereas I need more than that.

So, I'd like to create 1 partition for storing my personal data (documents, softwares....) as sharing partition for both Mac and Window XP OS as:

Partition 1 : MacOS 60GB
Partition 2: Windows XP SP2 40 GB
Partition 3: Data ~60 GB

Is it possible to do that?

Hope to have your help on that. Is case of it's possible then please tell me in detail...since I'm not expert on MacOS...

With best regards,

Quoc Nguyen
No need for repartitioning your drive. You can read and write to your NTFS partition using Mac OS X. You just need to install the following software, MacFUSE and then install NTFS-3G on your Mac. Download the packages for 10.5 and after a restart you should be able to read and write to NTFS.
Many thanks for your quick response Viro. In case of I'd like to create 3 partitions on my MacBook as following:
Partition 1: MacOS
Partition 2: Windows XP Service Pack 2
Partition 3: Data (FAT). This partition can be read/written from both MacOS and Windows XP

Is it possible to do that ? and how ?

Any response are always appreciated.
There isn't any way that I know of that will nondestructively resize your Windows XP partition. You could have a look at Disk Utility and have a look at the partition tab. Under your partition (the big rectangle in the middle of the screen), there's a +/- button. Select the partition and hit +. That partitions your drive and allows you to select the size of the partition.

It works fine with any Mac partition, but I do not know if it will work with Windows XP.
There isn't any way that I know of that will nondestructively resize your Windows XP partition. You could have a look at Disk Utility and have a look at the partition tab. Under your partition (the big rectangle in the middle of the screen), there's a +/- button. Select the partition and hit +. That partitions your drive and allows you to select the size of the partition.

It works fine with any Mac partition, but I do not know if it will work with Windows XP.
Dear Viro,
Thanks for your quick reply. Now, I can read/write data into Window Partition so I've no problem with partitioning. But another problem is coming. I cannot see the window partition icon in Start up window (System References -> Start up) that is request for restart the computer with Windows XP from Mac OS.
You can see the problem I've posted in

Best regards,

Quoc Nguyen (