Partitioning Without Reformatting

Thrillseeker TS

Well, I'm planning on installing Linux (YellowDog 3.0.1), and it said I have to partition my drive since it won't run off an external. I was wondering, is there any way I can partition it without reformatting? Because I don't feel like it and don't want to risk losing all my files due to crappy back-up programs.
I don't think you can partition without fully wiping your hard drive. The partition, in effect, becomes a new hard drive and is visible as such on your desktop. I know this isn't what you wanted to hear.

Isn't there a way to run Linus from a cd? Or is that Lindows?
Darn. The only reason I asked was because in the installation guide, it mentioned using a non-destructive 3rd party app. I was just hoping there was such thing as one...
Re-partitioning a drive requires the computer to reformat and recalculate the sizes of each drive and also the sizes of each block of data. I don't know the technical specifics, but there's no way for the computer to do this work without touching stored data on the drive.

Ya gotta wipe and start over, I am afraid. Just back up your stuff to a firewire hard drive or cds and start the reformatting.
Have a look:

For quite some time, I'm hunting for a method to resize a partition. I found the FWB Partition Toolkit and read between the lines that it should to be able to do that, but until now I couldn't find anybody who confirmed that. So I finally assume that HFS+ is one of the few file system formats which cannot be resized... too bad.
I know. However, supposed I boot into 9.2.2, will it successfully resize my OS X partitions?
If we could figure out what TechTool Pro 4 does to create its eDrive (or whatever it's called) we'd be that much closer…