Password software that syncs with Palm


Well, sooner-or-later I need to start syncing my Palm in OSX. I've given up on having an address book sync with my mail (as it appears the only working way to do that is to use enterouge). I would, however, REALLY like to find a password storage application for OSX that can also sync with my Palm. Anyone know of any?
Do you mean like synching your Keychain? What do you hope to accomplish with this exactly--keeping stuff like your bank PIN?

What I need is an application that allows me to store different kinds of encrypted data (Web site passwords, server log-ins, financial accounts, credit cards, etc.) and then allow me to store different kinds of passwords in custom groups (for clients, basically). Then, ideally, I'd like to be able to sync this to a MacOSX desktop application (and, in a perfect world, a PC too).

What's surprising is that very few Palm password apps allow me to make my own groups that contain a variety of different passwords. Most of the apps only let me make groups based on the type of password (ie, I can have a group called Credit Cards and one called Web Passwords, but I can't make two groups called Client1 and Client2 and have both Credit Card numbers and Web Passwords in each).

Right now, I'm using a program called CryptInfo, which, IMHO, has the best palm interface, but no mac support what-so-ever...only a OS9 conduit.

Extra88: I had looked at Web Confidential before. From what I remember, the desktop app was a bit 'clunky' but maybe it's time I take a second look at it.

Javintosh: I'm really hoping that Apple IS thinking far enough ahead and plans on release adequate Palm Conduits with their new apps. This is something Apple should have done years ago, IMO.
YAPS is my favorite password program on PalmOS, and though it "syncs" in that it backs up its database to my computer, I cannot access my passwords from my computer (not that I care--that's what the Palm's for!).

YAPS doesn't care what kind of passwords you're saving. I have three categories (like your "client" categories) that I use: Business, financial, internet.
