there is a way to access the account without the password, but it will not get you the password itself. if you wanted the password only, this will not help you.
1. find a file that is your daughter's.
2. go to the "File" tab and click "Get Info" (or just press Control-I ,lower case)
3. go down to "Ownership & Permissions"
4. there should be a "You can No Access" area that is gray
5. click the little arrow below to make the window bigger
6. it should have lots of buttons, but you need the "Owner" tab
7. click the little lock icon and input your Admin name + password
8. the tab should no longer be gray, and you can switch the tab to your name for you to control
And thats it. Be sure to change the permission back to your daughter, or she might get suspicious (ex: if you change her personal library, her account changes to the standard account, background, dock, etc. ; if you change her desktop, she will no longer have any files on her desktop.)
good luck. talking helps