passwordless ssh


Hi everyone,

Is it possible to setup keychain access to work with sshagent such that I'm not requested password when I try to ssh to machines that I have already entered password for?

I've heard of this SSHKeyChain tool, but I'm not sure if I need it for this.

Why not just use ssh keys? That's what they are for.

Generate your public/private pair and copy the public key to the server you are SSH'ing to.

Presto, you never need type your password again.

- Forest Mars
I did that before I started using SSH Keychain, but what I understand is that you have type it once for every terminal you start. (The agent must be running and the keys must be added to it. I'm not sure if this is done once, or every time you start the computer).

Anyhow once I started using SSHKeychain it seems to never ask for a password again, even if I restart the machine.
