Pathetic Noob Firewire Solo Query


Apologies in advance gurus.

Purchased MacBook Pro version 10.5.5 (reformed PC user) not a month ago. Purchased Firewire Solo at the same time anticipating recording guitar/vocals onto a project using Logic Express. Finally bumbled a couple of midi tracks. Poised and ready to lay down audio. NOW.

Installed Firewire Solo drivers. Went to connect Firewire box with the two cables (4-6, 6-6) that came with into Firewire 800 port. NOT.

Am I missing something besides the right cable? Wouldn't the salesman at Apple who kindly pushed Firewire Solo as the one to use know what he was doing?
Thank you MisterMe & Virtual Tracy I really appreciate your response. Unfortunately my suspicions are now confirmed that the Apple salesman failed to mention that I require an adapter. Now that is pathetic and he is missing something. I guess he was so distracted by the large amount of payola I was forking out for my MacBook Pro, an iPod, Logic Express, the aforementioned Firewire unit and other sundry items. Thankfully I didn't purchase a printer from him.

I sound like a crybaby which I would be if I could simply head out to the store tomorrow and pick up the adapter. However, I'm in the boonies here in Mexico and the only electronic store in town leaves a great deal to be desired. A FireWire 400 to FireWire 800 adapter would be a stretch. So that leaves ordering one online which is possible but will take some time. I first have to top up my PayPay account because I only have a Canadian credit card which constantly is an issue, wait a week for that to clear, then wait however long for the shipment to get here. Rrrrgh.

Thanks again for your help.
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Don't be too harsh on the salesperson, bumbling ... unfortunately these days, salespeople "knowing" the product is a hit and miss affair.

I have it on good authority that the main Apple Reseller down here is so bad that most discerning Mac users (and in a small town like this they mostly know each other or know someone who knows you) will only seek the help of a certain salesperson and if he's not on shift, they walk out!

I learnt this the hard way after I went in to buy the new (back then) 80gb iPod Video and a salesperson convinced me not to bother waiting for the new model to arrive, as they had a sale on the 60gb model and it would feature all of the new improvements I wanted.

I took his word and bought the 60gb model but it didn't take me long to find out that it didn't feature the new improvements at all.

I took it back the next day and asked for a refund or at least that I pay the difference for the 80gb iPod. The guy didn't believe me about the new features not being available and went off into the backroom.

He shortly returned and admitted he had sold me the iPod under *false pretences* (or accidentally as he put it) .

I don't harbour any grudges against the salesperson I just know in future, I better know my facts instead of relying on others, as that is the best way for me.

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