PayPal: Steer clear of Safari

I also use OpenDNS. And I expect Safari to soon include anti-phishing technology too.
When I read this story this morning, I was ticked. Michael Barrett's comments almost seem calculated to drive-off his customers in the Mac community. Phishing schemes are not viruses. Every platform allows easy cost-free 100% effective defense against phishing schemes. It takes just three things--a brain and two eyes. You can get by with just one eye. Every browser can display the true URL of every site that you click-on or visit. If you see an offer for free passage to Heaven, then you do not need Apple or any other software developer to stop you from clicking through.

Or don't use them at all. I had money stolen by someone overseas who hacked into my PayPal account and they denied that they've ever been hacked, and the next day the proof was missing from my account. Not to mention that it took 3 or 4 irate phone calls to get them to permanently delete my acount. Idiots.

If you have to use PayPal at all, DO NOT store your bank account information in the PP account. As for me, they are never seeing me again.
I also use and have stopped using PayPal.

Now we just have to spread the word to all the Mac centric users that provide Mac services on the net to use something else then Paypal. Maybe they could use something like Google Checkout for there shareware/donation links.