PB 1400 and OSX



sorry if this has been questioned and answered before, but is there a way to install OSX on the PB 1400cs (64MB Ram/Sonnett 400Mhz upgrade)

thnx for every reply

:confused: faxe
Can't answer you , but would be interested to know how you get on cos I'm planning on upgrading my 1400cs for my girlfriend.

There's something called 'Unsupported Utility X' which might help you get it installed. But I imagine 64 Meg is going to be pretty slow on an upgraded 1400.

BTW - how did you get 64MB in your 1400?
I was under the impression that 60MB was the maximum...
Have looked right now on the hompage of UUX what I read there it doesn´t look to good for the PB1400 but you are right that it may not be worth the trouble with 64 Meg, though I´ve read that at least the first version of X was installed on an IBook with 64 Meg.

About the 64Meg in my 1400 I have 24 & 32 in the "Upgrade Slot" (the right one) and the original 8 that are soldered on the motherboard. BTW I was able to boot the 1400 once with the original 8Meg from Apple in the left slot which gave me even 72 Meg, was with a minimal install of OS 8.