I have a 12" PowerBook G4 1Ghz with a dimmed video display, not able to see the backlight. At first I though that replacing the inverter board would fix it, but after troubleshooting/replacing parts, the source of the problem happened to be the logic board. I could still use the external video (DVI), and that was the way I used the machine for the last month.
Yesterday I got a used 1Ghz LogicBoard from ebay, it was installed by a certified tech, and at first everything looked ok, internal video and backlight was good, and I was able to use it ok.
The problem came when I got home and I was reformating (writting zero) the hard drive and about to install Tiger operating system, I decided to move the computer from one location to another, so I unppluged the AC adapter, the installation continued on battery power for about 30 seconds, I plugged the AC adapter to the wall outlet, and then plugged it back to the machine.
After 1 minute, the machine suddenly shut down in the middle of reformatting process (writing zero). I rebooted, (I heard 3 kind of weak beeps at start up every time I reboot), tried to install Tiger again, and the machine shuts down after 2 mins. I reset power management shift-power-control-option, and still does the same. I removed the RAM that was properly working in the previous LogicBoard and same thing, removed the Airport card and also fails in the same way. I tried to boot from FireWire that has OS installed and shuts down after the same 2 minutes. Reset PRAM and same thing.
Thanks a lot in advance!!!
I have a 12" PowerBook G4 1Ghz with a dimmed video display, not able to see the backlight. At first I though that replacing the inverter board would fix it, but after troubleshooting/replacing parts, the source of the problem happened to be the logic board. I could still use the external video (DVI), and that was the way I used the machine for the last month.
Yesterday I got a used 1Ghz LogicBoard from ebay, it was installed by a certified tech, and at first everything looked ok, internal video and backlight was good, and I was able to use it ok.
The problem came when I got home and I was reformating (writting zero) the hard drive and about to install Tiger operating system, I decided to move the computer from one location to another, so I unppluged the AC adapter, the installation continued on battery power for about 30 seconds, I plugged the AC adapter to the wall outlet, and then plugged it back to the machine.
After 1 minute, the machine suddenly shut down in the middle of reformatting process (writing zero). I rebooted, (I heard 3 kind of weak beeps at start up every time I reboot), tried to install Tiger again, and the machine shuts down after 2 mins. I reset power management shift-power-control-option, and still does the same. I removed the RAM that was properly working in the previous LogicBoard and same thing, removed the Airport card and also fails in the same way. I tried to boot from FireWire that has OS installed and shuts down after the same 2 minutes. Reset PRAM and same thing.
Thanks a lot in advance!!!