PC Card Compact Flash adapter support



I just installed Mac OS X 10.1.2 yesterday. My most wanted featute was the PC Card Compact Flash adapter support. Installing went fine, the first thing I did was taking out my SanDisk 64 MB compact flash card out of my digital camera, put it in the San Disk PC card adapter and inserted it in the PC card slot of my TiBook 667. But nothing happened, no disk appearing on my desktop.

Anyone else having problems?

Thx for your response.

Happy Xmas,
How old is the reader? I have one of the early ones (with the eject button and 2 LED's), that doesn't work. The new ones (no eject button, 1 LED) work perfectly. I picked up the new one at Target for about $30, so I didn't feel too bad about having to replace that bit of HW...