PC Developer in Your Midst ...


... who is looking to buy a Mac in the UK but doesn't have an arm and a leg to spare :D

At the simplest level, I need to test websites I build on a Windows platform. I know IE 5.2 is a buggy non-compliant browser but I need to ensure my sites work across this and all contemporary Mac browsers.

I don't need bags of clout or storage (although if anybody wants to donate a 17" Powerbook, I won't complain) but it should be capable of running multiple recent browsers ... and be cheap.

Thanks for your attention and help, guys :D

Mike Pepper
Read some recent threads. Lots have been written about just what you're looking for. And welcome.
Hey, be nice, don't scare him off! :)
Anyway, from what you said, any shipping Mac (and any shipped in the last few years, for that matter) will work just fine for you.
I'd say either an iBook or an eMac. The iMacs aren't as good a value in the lower models as the eMacs.
You could go with a Powerbook, but that would probably be overkill for you.

Oh, and also check out the stuff for running MySQL and PHP off the OS X built-in Apache server, that's really nice :)
BTW, for anyone else interested and located on the other side of the ocean:

I called Powermax (www.powermax.com) and they said they'll ship to Europe. They've done it before without issues.
Go anywhere but Albion, they sucked when I went there (messed up our order, called us and said it was waiting for us, we arrived 5 hours later and they were still putting it together)...the price wasn't horrendous though.