PC Firewire drive on Jaguar??


gorilla beta tester
I have a 250gig firewire drive formatted for PC. It was used to backup the sample libraries of 3 giga samplers (speacilized PC's running XP). So it is literally full of $1000's worth of audio. We need to mount this drive on a Mac running 10.2.8, so we can convert the files for use with Mach 5. Any suggestions? Jaguar kindly offers to format this drive for me, and if i were to click the initialize button, I would not have a job to go to tomorrow.
I assume you tried all that is possible. Since I have no idea how you could manage this, I have a suggestion for the worst case: if it will be impossible to plug the drive to a mac, I would get a pc with firewire and simply connect it to the mac with an ethernet-cable (no need to get a crosslinked). Share the drive and you will have a good speed. Not as fast as firewire, but at least fast (400mbit/sec vs. 100mbit/sec). Maybe you have a gigabit network and the pc as well. That should kill the bottle neck.
Ahhhh, I see your alubook has gigabit network..
Hope I was helpful
If the drive is formated as Fat32, the Mac should see it. If it's NTFS, then upgrade to Panther and the Mac will see if.
bobw said:
If the drive is formated as Fat32, the Mac should see it. If it's NTFS, then upgrade to Panther and the Mac will see if.

ok, you nailed it bobw. We have a panther box on our network and when we plugged the drive into it, it saw the drive just fine. Although we cannot access that drive on the network .

And good thought Zammy, but these 3 pc's are so specialized they dont even have nic cards so we couldnt connect to them if we wanted to.