PC Format Zip Disks


What's the deal with MacOs X and using PC formatted Zip disks?

It takes AGES to copy to them. It's quicker for me to restart my computer in 9, copy the files to the disk, then switch back to 10, than it is to just copy the file in 10. I'm not the only one suffering the problem, all the computers in my studio do the same thing.

Has the compatibility gone doo lally or something? It's such a pain in the arse, particularly when I'm supposedly copying small file sizes that need to be taken over to our PC. Very often it takes so long, I give up and relaunch the finder.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? Help!
I have the same problem with PC formatted floppies as well as PC formatted Zip disks. Is apple working on a fix as it is really bad when copying any data. Mac formatted ones work fine