PC Server and Mac computers


My connection the the server on our network is often lost when not using the computer continuously. The server is a Dell. Does anyone know why this is and what can be done to fix it.

Does the computer go to sleep at any point? If so, then that's probably why. When the Mac goes to sleep, it shuts off the network connection unless you tell it not to in the Energy Saver preferences in System Preferences.
If your connection is AFP, then it's something I see a lot at my workplace, where we have several Macs connecting to AFP shared volumes on a Windows server. AFP support on the Windows side is behind that of the AFP version on current Macs. It may be that the Windows server is set to time-out AFP sessions after a certain point - you, or your server admin, should check this setting by right-clicking the "Shared" folder under Server Management. But it may also be that the Windows server is just not supporting a keep-alive AFP connection. I get booted all the time from mine at work, and I just live with it. There's a package called ExtremeZ-IP that can be installed on Windows servers to extend the AFP protocol for much, much better support of connected OS X machines, but it's hideously expensive for more than 10 licenses.

Honestly, I don't think there's a solution to this. If anyone else knows of one (besides nixgeek's "don't sleep", which is undoubtedly effective but still a workaround), I'd love to hear it!