PC to Mac "RAW" data Printing Problem


I have a laptop with XP Pro, with wireless connection to my Mac G4 dual 450 which is using a USB to Parallel connector on a Epson Photo Stylus EX. I was able to setup a HTTP connection using CUPs to the printer and WOW it worked great right off!

I then wanted to change the CUPs printer setting to improve the quality, BIG mistake! Things got so messed up I had to start all over. The problem now is that while the CUPS setup is the same as my original setup and the PC Laptop sees and connects to the printer all it will print out now is junk and RAW data code. Any idea's on what to check? I understand the CUPs has to be set to RAW. I dumped all my printer prefernces and GIMP Print preferences, started from scratch, but still getting the same results.
I'd try - delete the RAW print queue on the Mac and recreate it.
Since this is a RAW queue, there is no driver associated with it on the Mac. I don't think there are any com.apple.print print prefs for the RAW queue. Then make sure you refer to the no-driver on the PC in your http setup:

If you are using Tiger, you can click Reset Printing System, a menu item in Printer Setup, before re-Adding the queue.

If none of this helps, you may need to reinstall OS X using the Archive & Install option.
Thanks for the input. I tried deleting the RAW queue and recreating with no success. I am running 10.3.9 currently. For the reinstall and archive would I use my original Panther installer CD or would you recommend to upgrade to Tiger?
I would use your Panther disks, and be sure to choose the Archive & Install option. Then download the 10.3.9 combination updater to update all the way to 10.3.9 at once.