I found this site while surfing google for a problem, and found you guys very knowledgeable.
I've read many of the FAQ's, and searched the forums, and did not find an answer.
Here goes...
I have an iMac G4 with OS X and a Windows XP machine running on a wireless Airport Express network (Airport express connecting to my DSL modem).
I've finally got both computers working flawlessly on the internet, but am having one hellofa time getting the computers to talk directly.
I've enabled file sharing on both machines, but neither machine recognizes eachother. I've tried "connecting to the network" on the Mac, but I don't know what address to put in, or how to find the address to put in (the MAC doesn't automatically find the PC). Futhermore, the PC doesn't see the MAC on "network places"
How do I get the two to play nice?
I found this site while surfing google for a problem, and found you guys very knowledgeable.
I've read many of the FAQ's, and searched the forums, and did not find an answer.
Here goes...
I have an iMac G4 with OS X and a Windows XP machine running on a wireless Airport Express network (Airport express connecting to my DSL modem).
I've finally got both computers working flawlessly on the internet, but am having one hellofa time getting the computers to talk directly.
I've enabled file sharing on both machines, but neither machine recognizes eachother. I've tried "connecting to the network" on the Mac, but I don't know what address to put in, or how to find the address to put in (the MAC doesn't automatically find the PC). Futhermore, the PC doesn't see the MAC on "network places"
How do I get the two to play nice?