
Sorry, Viro..

Funny thing, but I did something similar this weekend. I ordered the d-link dl624 together with a dwl-G650. Ok, let me talk proper english: I got a wifi router that supports 802.11g and even 108mbit (theoretically) by using two channels at the same time (2x 54mbit). To use this, I got a CardBus adapter that is supposed to be windows only. However, the guys from
OrangeWare developed a driver for such Atheros based CardBus and PCI cards. Results?
Ok, not such an elegant solutions like the Sony adapter, but for all CardBus powerbooks, this is a great option. I payed about 99Euro for both devices which is quite ok and I have around 5-7mb/sec transferrate. This is great! With my airport card I had around 0.5mb/sec. Finally I can think of lan tv streams..
Only weird thing: I have a part coming out of my smooth tibook and it's BLINKING! Eahhhh. Anyway, it was surprising to me and I thought I will share this to you guys.
The OrangeWare drivers costed me something like 15Euro which should be $17 or so. It's ok, since everything works really fine and they have a nice istumbler-like tool sniffing for suitable networks. One bad thing: I should not take the card out whenever I want to. I got a kernel panic twice..