PDF Reader 7.0


I installed PDF Reader 7.0 last week and all of a sudden my Epson 40 UX Printer won't print from PDF. It will print all other documents presented to it. It won't even print as an "image" file in advanced mode...which someone suggested.

PDF 7.0 prints just fine to my HP 970.

Anyone else having this problem? Workaround?
What happenes when you open the pdf file in Preview and try printing from there? Or does the printing fail in general? If so, you should reinstall the printer. You only need to delete it from the printers list and add it again.
It won't print in preview or any PDF file opened with vs 7.0; however, it will print from any other applciation, i.e. MS Word, Excel, etc.
Does the printer go through the motions with nothing coming out, or do you get a dialog box with an alert?

Did you check to see if Print Set up in the file menu of Reader is set correctly?
I'd report this to Epson, Adobe and Apple. Someone's at fault - and it's quite probably _not_ you.
Thanks. I sent it off to Adobe. Since it prints everything else, it seems that they are the problem ...not Epson or Apple. It printed 6.03 PDF just fine.
If it doesn't even print in Preview or any other pdf reader, then Adobe might not be "the source". Is it so with every pdf? Open MS Word and load a document. Now print it by saving it as a pdf file. Try to open that file and print. Does it work with any of your pdf readers? Did you reinstall the printer drivers as I suggested in my previous post?
Reader 7 is the pits. I had the same problem with my HP printer.

Go to print, everything goes normally until suddenly the printer has stop printing selected. This is only for pdf's. Everything else prints fine.

I went through my entire system and trashed all the Adobe files, installed version 6 and it still will not print. Preview will not print pdf's either.

Before I re-install my printer drivers...

ljwcic, have you solved the problem?
I have had an other weird thing with AdobeReader 7.0
When trying to Hide the app I sometimes get the beachball for 1-2 minutes, then it hides ok.

But I guess that the ability to (finally) submit xfdf's containing unicode makes up for this. :)