PearPC - PowerPC Architecture Emulator for PC = Mac OS X on a PC

Awww gee, third thread TODAY on this...

That's the first screenie that actually shows it operating under Windoze, BTW :)
JetwingX said:
but it runs like you installed it on a first generation iMac (the really colorful ones)

No no, No no! PearPC is NOWHERE close as fast as afirst gen iMac!! I tried it on my 933MHz PIII, 512MB RAM (of which i put 256 into PearPC), and it took over half an hour just to boot into panther. Btw i uploaded a screenshot of it, showing the windows desktop too, so if any of you guys wanna check it out, here it is:


Slow, but veeery cool!!!
Works for me fryke, try to copy and paste the URL into a browser window - maybe its some anti-leeching thing that geocities has.
Million Dollar Question:

Before I start imaging all those CD's and moving them...think I could run this guy on Windows XP 64 bit edition on Athlon 64 hardware? Could be a fun trial on that guy! :)
I tried it, it is easy to configure, but unfortunally I am unable to create an bootable(!) ISO image of the Panther installation CD. Honestly I tried everything on the Windows side. Can anybody give me a hint how to accomplish this?

Do I have to prepare the HD image first (using the darwin installation cd)? I just want to get a glimpse of the Mac OSX CD boot screen.
Ifrit, try using Carbon Copy Cloner on a hard drive that already has panther installed. Make sure that the target image size is a multiple of 516096KB. Worked for me.
Ifrit: Please do not even name those disk creation -tools, if you want to "not ask for warez" or something. And: You'll probably have more luck finding information about this on PC forums than on Mac forums, too.

This thread is about the NEWS that there is now a PowerPC emulator for X86 hardware.
Honestly, I didn't know that mentioning disk image creation tools is forbitten, I mean we all know about Roxio Toast or disk copy. What makes the PC counterparts more "criminal"? Every of those programs can be used for "non legal actions".

I appologize for off topic posting and the former post, fryke, I just wanted a "first hand" experience. I admit, asking about how to copy the OSX CDs wasn't very sensible.

Thanks for the advice SAbsar, I never thought about this possibility.