Peer to Peer file sharing software declared legal

Originally posted by fryke
I'm with common sense here. I mean, what does the music industry think that it wants sharing tools to be illegal? "It's used for piracy." Yeah, cars are used for crimes, too. So are kitchen knives. Even hairdriers have been used for murder in the past. Yet...

Yes, but you can apply that to anything. Honestly, what other purpose do file sharing apps serve other than to provide people a means of pirating software/music, etc? I can't see any. If you want to download freeware, say AIM, wouldn't you go to their website instead of searching for it on p2p? Sure free things are great and better than paying for them, but it doesn't make it right Some people will say record companies are a monoply, but artists are still losing money. It's no different than someone's credit card info being shared on p2p. Screw the card owner, I'm getting a brand new 1.4 PowerMac and 23" Cinema Display. <BR><BR>There's a lot of loop holes though. For example, the Smashing Pumpkins released an internet only album. How do you manage that? Who knows. Speaking of Smashing Pumpkins, does Virgin Records have an agreement with Apple? I search for the SP's on iTunes but no results. Apple should definitely get Virgin, they have tons of great bands.
Originally posted by Ugg
The music industry is in big trouble when it comes to people who think like you do. As I mentioned above there is a whole generationi of people who believe that music is essentially free just like the air we breathe. This is big problem, not just for music but also films and books and anything with a copyright.
You're right about me and the generation comming up now. I'm not trying to be an anarchist or an anti-corporate zealot, and paradoxically, I pay for ALL my software and games, even though I know I could get it free easily, but the vast majority of people will take free over cheap. There's nothing anybody can do to stop that thought process.

No doubt filesharing is going to impact the music industry bigtime. It even affected my own music making; For the longest time I had dreams of making a modest living off my music, but not long after the first filesharing/mp3 downloading programs made their debuts I decided that my efforts were in vein. The people that will be hardest hit by filesharing is the little guy.

Everybody knows filesharing is a highway robbery free-for-all, but like I said before it's only a matter of time before filesharing gets purged, sanitized, and regulated.