Pepsi-iTunes Superbowl Ad

It's not that great and will be lost among a slew of much more distinct ads this Sunday. It only stands out if your an iMac freak, and then you have to look quick.
Every year I watch the super bowl only for the ads. I really could not care less about football. So, half the "excitement" for me is not knowing what the ads are going to be. It is always nice to know that this company is going to be airing an ad during the super bowl, so that I have something to watch for each commercial break.

While I think the iTunes - Pepsi give away is a great idea, and I think it was prudent to announce that they were going to announce it during the super bowl, I think it is reaching the point where we almost have too much information to make the ad enjoyable.
soulseek said:

Stupidest ad I have ever seen. Looks like it was done with iMovie. Font selection is horrible, too dark... If I didn't know the background on it, I would have no clue what iTunes is, what Pepsi is or what they are promoting other than some kids who promise to keep downloading.

I am always available, Pepsi could always call me and ask me for my expert marketing advice! Sheessshhh... ;)
Yea, i watch the SB for the ads, the games themselves seem to get worse each year. And till the Browns make it, i don't care who wins.

This ad will be lost, there will be some ad that we will talk about on monday. Last year, the tackle in the office knocking out workers, that one caught, off guard, a great commercial.
I'll be TiVo-ing the game so I can skip over it* and watch the ads. The exact opposite of what I usually do!


* Call me un-American, but my interest in football can measured in a very large negative number.
Eh.... the ad is good idea, executed poorly... but what makes it bad is the girl who's doing the voice-over. What, she's reading off of cue-cards? She is horrible. No enthusiasm. I don't care if she was the actual person who was sued by the RIAA, go find a decent actress to give you a decent voice-over with emotion! Sheesh!

I had high hopes for this ad, but.... blah. executed blah.
Good concept. Not very well impemented. Obviously Apple had little input. Nothing special. I'm still going to drink coke!
You guys are awful. If I had a huge business I'd start selling Windows products just to get fans like you off of my case. SHUT UP! :)

It's a great ad, gets the point across nicely, and kicks your butt. Apple will forever be THE BEST when it comes to designing commercials, computers, and operating systems. And music players, and displays, and servers, and ...
First of all, Apple doesn't do their ads. Chiat/Day does. Granted, I'm sure Apple has lots of input, but they are not THE makers of the ads. All the producing, directing, etc is doen by the ad agency, not Apple.

Secondly, this is a Pepsi/iTunes ad. It is quite possible that Chiat/Day is not responsible for this ad, but rather, whomever Pepsi's ad agency is.

Thirdly... "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" ~Thomas Jefferson (I think? might have been Paine). We criticize it because we know it could be better.
That's what I was thinking about, the other commercials are probably going to be at your "Superbowl" level.

If their not then you can cry some more. :) FEB 1 SO CLOSE!
If the message is for the parents - offer iTunes credits to your kinds, otherwise they'll end up in jail - that's quite powerful.
Gnomo said:
Every year I watch the super bowl only for the ads. I really could not care less about football.

i love watching ads too. GOOD ads.
my dad cant stand watching tv with me. he surfs channesl to AVOID ads, i to avoid PROGRAMS .. many times there are ads that are 20 second long and better than the 2 hour movie that is behind the ad breaks. :)

.. still waiting for that one to load, im in the slowest ever net ;)
As a Media Studies student in the UK I was very interested in this ad,
i liked it , it was a poke at the RIAA, and promoted mainly pepsi, who conencidenly have debts of over 2 million $'s. I think that the ad was well done, admittedly not done by Apples ad men but well done never the less. BTW i think Pepsis ad men are MC Saatchi & Saatchi.

Errrrrrr i want new products to be introduced....what a lousy anniversary, apple better not turn this oppurtunity down for some pepsi/ITMS promo.
I'm still mad at the Green Bay Packers for screwing up 4th and 24 if you know what I mean. The Superbowl tonight was [yawn]. I fell asleep. My wife woke me up and we saw the Apple ad. I was kind of impressed but it was more Pepsi than Apple so I didn't like the almost nothingness Apple had there? Where was the plug for the iPod? There was so much missed opportunity there--only free songs. Okay that's earth shattering and this is going to be pretty cool. When Sony lost $100 million last year and Apple made money--I see where this is going. But the commercial in itself was [yawn] consistant with the UberBowl.