Permissions Hell


Does anyone have a definitive guide to how permissions/ownership/groups works in OS X?

Here is my simple goal (easily obtained in OS 9, total nightmare in X):

1. Serve files from my iMac (fake server) running Jag allowing anyone and everyone to see and do whatever the hell they want including deletions, etc. I don't need security.

2. Connect to iMac file server from two G4s running Jag and one PC running Windows 2000. The connection part is easy. The wide open permissions is not. I have set our main documents folder (in the Public directory) to have full read/write privs. The public directory itself has been given read/write for everyone. I did this using the Get Info as wel as BatchMod. I want EVERYONE do be able to do whatever they want!!! Why is this so hard?!

Currently, the Macs can most of the time do whatever, but files created on the PC usually (always?) won't let a Mac user delete, open or move them.

Any ideas? Pretty please....

I can provide more in depth details if need be.
I'm not sure I got your problem correct, but if its just the windows user who is creating files with the wrong permissions, i would suspect that the problem lies somewhere within the samba configuration.

I'm not sure how samba handles umask's, but that could be the problem.
What do you mean by everyone? On your network or on the net? If you mean your network, I'd say make all user accounts "admins" and use "public" folders as share points and grant full privs to the "admin" group.
Aftershock (or anyone)

When you say "share points" do you mean using that Share Points program? Or do you just mean generically "share points"?
OK, after following Aftershock's suggestions, we're almost there, but in our configuration (described above) the PC pulls all files as READ ONLY, which means the PC can't resave a file over the network without giving it a new name. This is bogus.

Actually, to be clear, the PC local files (when pulled from the server) have fully open persmissions, but when we try to send it back to the server it is denied. ACCESS DENIED, SOURCE FILE MAY BE IN USE. The source file is closed and its parent app closed, so that message is inaccurate.

The Macs are speaking fine to each other and have full open permissions as we expect.

Any ideas?