Personal Web Sharing not starting


First id like to say hi guys, Im a rookie here. Hope someone can answer this question.

I have a G5 and Im tinkering around with Dreamweaver 8. Im trying to serve webpages on my MAC, but when I go to start PWS in the system prefs panel, it just stays in a 'starting' state and even if I shut it and open it again it says the same thing. Ive rebooted + shut down totally & restart the system, but then its unchecked, so I check it and the same thing happens.

Has anyone seen this, and have a fix. Ive tried all the apachectl configtest commands from the 'terminal' inc, stop/start/restart, configtest says syntax ok, so Im not sure whats going on. All I want to do, is be able to type and using virtual hosts, hit any webpage in that folder.

Look forward to your replies....

Thx in advance....
You are writing that you used 'apachectl' to control your settings. But did you just use 'apachectl (start|stop|restart)' by itself, or did you use 'sudo apachectl (start|stop|restart)' ? There's a huge difference between those two as the first version tries to run Apache as the user issusing the command (which restricts Apache in certain ways, like the port-numbers that Apache is able to listen on) while the second one starts the Apache server as root.

This command: 'ps -auxww | grep httpd' will tell you whether Apache is running or not. and virtual hosts have nothing - absolutely nothing - at all to do with each other.

Try opening three Terminal windows.
In the first one, type : tail -30f /var/log/httpd/access_log
In the second, type : tail -30f /var/log/httpd/error_log
In the third, issue your start/stop commands and look for output in the other two windows.

Thanks for replying so soon. I have run it as sudo before and another guide said, append
/usr/sbin/ to the beginning, but it still wont work. The last thing I want to do is rebuild it, however I will run the following again & see what happens.
