phone... ghz/mhz

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The higher the frequency, the higher the electromagnetic radiation power. I see no reason why companies keep increasing the frequencies in phones / cell phones. It makes no sense other than to increase bandwidth for a certain carrier (Alltel, Vorizon, Sprint, etc...). Sure, it helps out the carrier, but it exposes the customer to higher power radiation. And it's going to get worse as over 50% of the population has a cell phone, and more people are buying them. How much EM exposure do we need? I just love the idea of slowly cooking my brain with a cell phone.
How much radiation do they really give off though? how many "rems". I mean... I bet you get more radiation from the sun and your microwave.
Learn more than you ever wanted to know about cell phones by going here:

I recently purchased a cell phone for long distance use. I've gradually started using it for longer durations. After talking on it continuously for 2.5 hours, the back side of my head just behind my ear (in the vicinity of the antenna) and my right hand had a "tingling" sensation. Since then I've purchased a headset so the cell phone is no longer in close proximity to my head or hands.

Cell phones use microwave radiation to transmit and receive your calls. They're not supposed to emit more than 1 or 1.2 Watts of power, but many cell phones go over this limit. If you're in your car or a train, the radiation gets bounced around and amplified (according to a British study of Japanese cell phone users). Trains can be especially problematic since people are in such close proximity to one another and that people are cruising the web, doing email, and talking on their cell phones simultaneously.
The higher the frequency, the higher the electromagnetic radiation power.
Only per photon. The power output of the phone is the power output. If the frequency increases then the number of photons will decrease accordingly. The battery will only supply a certain amount of power.

I see no reason why companies keep increasing the frequencies in phones / cell phones. It makes no sense other than to increase bandwidth for a certain carrier (Alltel, Vorizon, Sprint, etc...).
Not sure what you mean here. Apart from side-banding, there should be almost no link between the carrrier signal and the bandwidth at the frequencies they are running at (assuming digital communication here - not analog phones).

Sure, it helps out the carrier, but it exposes the customer to higher power radiation
The higher the frequency the lower the bandwidth and the less that the EM waves will penetrate dense matter. It could be better for us that the frequencies are increasing - less photons flux (see point above) will be directly decreasing the % of getting cancer and less penetration into our skull.

The tingling sensation after holding a phone for 2.5 hours is probably due to restricted blood flow caused by tensing your hand for that length of time. If it were due to you being cooked then you would probably know about it if you could feel it.

I bet you get more radiation from the sun and your microwave
You are probably right, especially on the sun, but the visual and UV frequencies that you get from the Sun have very different characteristics to Microwaves. The microwaves that are emitted from an oven are higher frequency and are designed to excite water molecules (they are at a reasonant frequency of one of the bonds). They could cause you some problems if you got enough exposure. Fortunatley most ovens have good screening (though my microwave gets in the way of my airport a bit - even though it is ~15m away).
I went to that site... I could not find anything on radiation. Maybe I am just blind. How many "rems" do you get from cell phones.

So what kind of radiation do you get from cell phones? Alpha, Beta, Gamma ?
Originally posted by Nummi_G4
I went to that site... I could not find anything on radiation. Maybe I am just blind. How many "rems" do you get from cell phones.

So what kind of radiation do you get from cell phones? Alpha, Beta, Gamma ?

There are 3 types of ionizing radiation:

1. alpha: He, 2 protons, 2 neutrons. Your skin protects you from this radiation.

2. Beta: fast moving electron. Beta has better permeativity and will go through several cm of tissue.

3. Gamma: high energy photon. Extreme/very high permeativity. For protection, use lead bricks. This is analogous to firing a bullet through tissue paper. A good way to imagine this is that gamma rays will go through you.

For Star Trek fans:
Positron Emission: occurs when and electron collapses into the nucleus. It is an anti-electron (+), antimatter. Positron and electron combination/anihilation produces 2 gamma photons @ 180° relative to one another. This is the basis of Positron Emission Tomography (PET scanner).

Cell phones do not emit ionizing radiation.

The tingling sensation I felt was not just in my hand, it was in my scalp just behind my ear, where the cell phone antenna is located. This sensation has only occured when using a cell phone.

The only conclusive evidence cell phones exhibit on biological tissue is a heating effect due to the microwave radiation. It is also known to cause changes in DNA, through the HEATING EFFECT, not the radiation itself. It has not yet been determined if the heating effect causes cancer.

There are different cell phone technologies today. From what I read on some cell phone websites is that cell phone carriers are increasing the frequency of the cell phones so that they can get more bandwidth squeezed into the higher frequecies. There are "digital tricks" the carriers can use to get more cell phones on higher frequencies. CDMA phones, which is what I have, use the digital tricks; it is an 800MHz phone. The link to somewhere in it provides another link ( to the different types of cell phone technologies available today (CDMA, TDMA, PCS, etc...).
It is an anti-electron (+), antimatter

Actually it is an anti-particle, not anti-matter. Anti-matter is when you form an atom or molecule that is composed of antiparticles.

Only a small point.

The only conclusive evidence
Agreed that this is the most likely form of breakdown, but there is no conclusive evidence yet. For every paper in one direction, there is another trying to disprove it. There is quite a lot of evidence that the hands free sets are more dangerous than using the phone on its own. This is because the wires are used as antenna's and due to the thin nature of the wire focus the EM radiation tightly around them.

All in all, I wouldn't be too worried - as long as you don't use phones for hours at a time, all the time. You get much more of a radiation dose going for a flight over the Atlantic - not much atmosphere up there to stop cosmic particles. Also, if you are at University, there is quite a lot of background radiation there as well (from Physics departments normally.)
