Photo bleeds in iWorks Pages


I'm an ex-Quark user trying to design a brochure using Pages. I need to layout a few pages incorporating some photos with full bleeds and I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to add bleed area to the layout page in Pages. The printer needs trim area beyond the physical size of the finished brochure plus crop marks. The finished brochure will be 8.5"x11", so I would need a work area of about 9"x11.5". How do I accomplish this in iWorks Pages? I've checked numerous places on the internet for answers (even Apple's web site), but no one addresses this issue. Can you help?

Sounds like if Pages doesn't have built in cropping you need to set your page size as trim size (9x11.5) and make it work.

Why aren't you using InDesign? Though I realize cost is an issue...
Thanks for your reply. I just received it. I think it's great that help comes from half way around the world!

I actually did go into the Page Setup dialog box to set up a page big enough to include crop marks; however, it was a multi-page document and Pages also doesn't have a "Master Page" option, so I didn't want to have to recreate crop marks for each page. (I also kind of "chickened out". I didn't want to risk too much experimentation on a job someone was depending on.) I ended up just designing the layout with no bleeds.

Pages falls into an odd category. If you're new to desktop publishing, it's a good place to start but, because you're new, you won't know what to expect from the program and probably won't use it to it's full potential. And if you are a pro, you'll be frustrated knowing there are ways to accomplish things in other programs that you just can't seem to do in Pages.

Thanks again, Natobasso.
Dana, no worries! Funnily enough I just moved here from the States so I'm an expat Yankee. :) Glad I could have helped in some small way.

What you can do is set your doc to an oversized page, add 1/2" to each dimension and then print to a pdf; you'll have to go through the print settings ("Save as File") to find the bleed, trim, and crop marks. I agree that Pages is good for the novice user, not so good for full on printing/design.