Photo editing software


I used to use PhotoImpression to edit photos - cut faces out - add them onto cards etc.

Is there an equivalent program for the mac which isn't too complicated to use?

My story (or solution is always close, just need to notice that);
I often have need to send couple of images via mail or messenger, many info-s, help for friends, screenshots etc...i grab it by command-shift-F3 of course, but they are mostly of too big quality's and sizes for my needs.
I was searching for fast start, and free Mac software to use it for. (Photoshop take some sec's to start and changing sizes of multiple images and converting them to .jpg are also taking too much time)not worth of starting him for simply said...
Graphic converter arn't free...

BUT! iPhoto was always there, in front of my eyes but i did not know :) I found that options by pure luck LoL! :D
Just import grabbed screens, drag them from desktop to iPhoto, they will be selected also by default, so just go to export options, select .jpg, set 500xhowever size, set names and GO!
Its unbelievable how i missed it before :D :D Good work Apple ;) The iPhoto, all you need, just need to notice that :)