Photoshop 7 performance degradation


Ministry of Re-Education
I just got done running a battery of disk fixing utilities on my new G4 because I think it might be broke, including the hardware and memory test CD, and found no trouble anywhere. Before I take my machine in(new g4 dual 1GHz) to see if it really is broke, I was wondering if the following is a known issue with OSX:

This is a test I tried because I noticed a significant peformance degradation in Photoshop 7 while in the OSX environment vs. in Classic environment.

While in Classic, Open Photoshop 7 and create 10, 22"X18" 72dpi RGB images.(I often work with this many and more at the same time). Then, hide Photoshop. All the windows close instantly without even a half second delay. Now, unhide Photoshop and the images all open up instatly as well in under a half second.

Now run this same exact test in the OSX environment and what happens(at least on my machine) is that it takes about a half second more to create the images, then when you hide photoshop, it flashes briefly through each separate image window, in effect closing each one before it actually hides Photoshop itself. this takes about 5 times longer then in Classic. The same is true when I unhide Photoshop – each window is redrawn, then Photoshop appears, it's panels are redrawn, then I get beachballed for a second or so, again taking about 5 times longer to unhide(4 seconds).

This performance degradation is representative of all functions and aspects of Photoshop 7 on the same machine.

just wondering, is this normal? or do you think I really am broke?
I also find ps7 to be quite slow under osx compared to most other applications. I used to use ps4 under classic and it is way faster...I actually still use ps4 casue I find ps7 to be unbarably slow..
photoshop 7 does the same for me. I don't understand why it's so slow at times but your problems are the same as mine. It's a photoshop feature i guess.

I have Jaguar, but not Quarks. It seems it doesn't like my Radeon. Anyhow. I had a problem with my G4 dual 450 (640MB RAM). I was using a Quicksilver 700 (+500MB RAM) bought a year ago, used it for a month while I was reparing my dual 450. Quarks was active on the 700. When I got my old dual 450 back, PSD 7 was faster than the 700!!! I'm not certain. But I know I can activate Quarks on my dual 450, and I'm almost positive that Quarks slows it down. Overall, EVERY application I use was faster under 10.1.x.
I think apple is putting too much visual effects in the Mac os X interface and it's asking a lot of resources to manage them.
There ought to be an option to choose which visuals you want (including shadows, transparancies....).

Anyway... sorry to hear you have to bring your new 1GHZ back.......
I'm a graphic designer, and coming from my standpoint, all these reply's beg the question; if OSX and the apps you use on it are slower in every facet then on OS9, then why is it better? As far as I can see, all my apps run slower, and are less stable. Used to be that if you were a designer, you were on a mac.

This is comming from the person who converted my sister, mother and father, 2 best friends, and mother-in-law to switch to "the wonderful way" of macs(Classic mac that is).

I honestly am apprehensible about recommending they upgrade to OSX. These are people who got really fed up with the problems that plagued them on the PC, these are not computer freeks like you and I, and I see a return to those type of PC-ish problems on OSX. I can just hear the phone ringing right now, and my frazzled mother wondering why her 350MHz iMac is frozen.

A deeper thought is this; is operating system evolution advancing faster then the hardware to accomodate it? and is Apple purposly creating operating systems that are just that, intentionally, knowing that this operating system is so overtaxing on the cpu that everyone will need to buy a new mac just to run at average speed?

I know the latter remark is quite controversial and provocative. But after 2 months of Jaguar and it's apps, it seems to be the only conclusion.
I'm a designer that uses Photoshop and other design apps daily in X, and it is slower than 9. The major issue is memory. I have almost a gig of memory, and photoshop always eats it. Once that memory is gone, it pages out to the harddrive. Try a free app, Memorystick to see what I mean. Considering how much 9 crashed, X is better, and since you can use more apps at once, do something else if you need to render. You see my system info below, not the newest, but gets the job done. The new duals with 1.5 memory are much faster, and photoshop takes advantage of the dual processor, so my G4 will be handed down next year.
I agree, I'm a designer myself.

I do have to dis agree on the crashing part. I found that Mac OS 9 crahsed a great deal many times than Mac os X. To tell the truth, I have NEVER had OS X completely bug on me (knock on wood). The only "buggy" applications I have are most microsoft applications (and I'm not just stating this from a Mac lover standpoint), Chimera (but it's only a beta) and the worse has to be Flash MX. I'm always using Ill 10, PSD 7 and Flash MX. I can tell when Flash is going to bug now (palettes go crazy). So overall I'm happy with multitasking of Mac os X.

But once again, the speed is getting worse and worse. I've been having problems with my SCSI HD, and I've been trying to fix it via OS 9. Each time I'm in CLassic it seems like everything is moving at the speed of light....

I must state again... Apple should have some kind of "Lite" version of Mac OS X.... I think it would greatly solve many problems. (or cut the prices by 50%)................ :D
what's sad, i got use to the speed decrease, and like you said, once in 9, I'm on some Star Trek warp $***. I still like X much more, I don't have too many problem with MX, except for my action widos taking long to load large amounts of code and the pallettes not appearing at times. Comparing how much flash 5 crashed in 9 and classic, I'll take MX in X anyday. Yea, i was pissed about paying for X twice, bought it for my first go in March, then had to buy Jag, that really pissed me off.
that's really wierd that you guys had crashes in OS9 at all, I can go a week or two without having a crash, and I have Illustrator 10, Photoshop 7, Entourage, Dreamweaver, freehand 10, fetch, Netscape, and Explorer all open at the same time, all day, for at least 8 hours at a time. I can't even imagine having all those apps open at once in osx. I mean, since you can't turn of the lame virtual memory it's slow as sand. I really like the pretty GUI of OSX, but's thats about it. I'm working as much as possible in OS9 again. I'll take speed over looks.

by the way, Urban, whats up with your website? the links are dead. and I live in Cleveland too. Went to the Cleveland Instiitute of Art.
LOL @ Hibilis Re: no crashing with Freehand 10 on Mac.

Try this: Tint a greyscale Tiff file. Any colour, process or Spot colour, it doesn't matter.
9 times out of 10 Freehand 10 running on OS9.2 will crash. That is before, and after the point release of Freehand 10 MX. Is fine in OSX. Just pathetic that Macromedia relies on OSX to hide it's shoddy coding.
In my opinion, people with older Macs, especially 400 mHz and slower might be better off with OS 9. Especially people who are a bit uncomfortable using computers.

I have an 800 mHz G4 now (Puhhlenty fast!) but when I had only a 500 mHz iBook, I jumped on OS X almost immediately and began using it regularly soon thereafter. It _is_ slow on the iBook. But it's MUCH more powerful and stable, and I don't depend on Photoshop to make my living.

Quartz Extreme (or Quartz GL which sounds better) helps tremendously on those systems that support it.

Photoshop or Ill in 9 weren't the apps that caused crashes. I can't recall my apps crashing, it was always a conflict with an extention or something, plus the memory never wanted to release after you quit an app at times. The system just did weird things time to time, especially flash 5.0a. If i take into account the time to restart 9 all the time, i can live with X being a little slow, at least i know it is up after an app crash. If i have to jump back to 9 to rush a freelance project, i can, but I'm all X. Except when it comes to burning CDs, such a pain. My new site is in the final stages, relaunching for the new year. Also, habilis check your private messages.