Photoshop and hard drive space disappearing



I have a 15" macbook pro intel 2.4 core 2 duo processor, 2gb of ram and 160 gb hard drive. I have about 70gb of free space left on my hard drive. When I open photoshop and some large files, my hard available drive space drops. I opened three large files and watched it drop to 68gb of free space. The more documents I have open, the more it drops. When I perform actions on a file, blurs, etc... the space drops still. These are large files (70, 100+ MB), and the drop in other apps (like indesign) is much smaller -but still less available free space.

The space become available again (mostly) when I quit the apps, What's up with that? It ALL becomes available after a restart.

Anyone... advice please????
Totally normal. Especially when you are using .PSD files.

They expand, and take up room on your hard drive, but package back up when you save them. When you have the document open, it tells you in the bottom of the window how much space they are taking up, which is normal. Indesign doesn't do this, as it is only holding embedded content like type, and shapes, and larger files are link too, and not necessarily opened up.
Thank You for the reply.

But... I noticed indesign did do this. Here's what happens:

I have 70 gigs free space
I open documents in Photoshop, my available space drops to 68 gigs (or lower, depending on the number of documents I have open), then when I quit Photoshop, the available gigs increase, but to something like 69.8, and not 70 (where they are when I restart).

Indesign causes this too, just to a lesser degree. Instead of it dropping to 68, it'll drop to 69.5, etc...

Is this normal? Why wouldn't it return to its full amount? I don't remember this at all in tiger.

Thanks again, I appreciate any advice you could give.
Everything is sound likes normal here you have a lot of space and PSCS use it .
It is not supossed to slow you down with a core 2 duo with 2 gig of ram. you could go in the preff. of PSCS and allow all the ram you could if you think you getting slow with big files likes 70 mo and 100 mo open at the same time .
P.S. You hav to restart PSCS to apply the change :))
Yep, this is normal. InDesign creates a temp file too of your document so you can recover if your doc crashes. I'm sure this doc takes up disk space as well.