Photoshop CS2 Crashes on Start (Intel Mac OSX 10.4.6)


I am using Photoshop CS2. The program crashes on startup on my Intel Mac, using system 10.4.6. I've deleted the program's preferences and installed a plug-in from the resources disk, which were recommended as fixes. Neither action worked.

Can you ofer any help. I'd be grateful.

Thank you.

First; I can only say what I have experienced, the symptoms on my G5 iMac power pc (not intel) were similar. So, to cut through the chase, my HD was bad and Apple replaced it.
This is what was happening on my system with CS2: I had been using Illustrator for developing a type face. After a while (starting in late Jan) some of the files would not open since they were of a 'format not recognized', this was usually interpreted as a PDF. To make a long story short, my files eventually (all Illustrator) would not open or were corrupted. Then, just as quick as I clicked on the Illustrator icon to open the app., a notice appeared saying it had 'unexpectectedly quit'. I tried reinstalling the CS@ package, thatwould work for a few hours and then the same ole sh--. Eventually, even when using Preview, evenjpeg files would not open. I reinstalled Tiger, that almost worked for a very short time. I tried an erase and install, the same results and then the system completely locked up.
I had gone through the entire system's folder hierarchy to delete everything that had anything to do with 'Adobe' shortly after this problem started, needless to say, it did not work since that was not the problem.
So, if this sounds similar to your predicament, it may be a bad HD. Hey, I went into denial, 'what, my new Mac's HD is bad? No way, it's brand new.' (I purchased mine Sept. '05) Yet, that's what it was.
Another note; if this is what is going on then BACK UP EVERYTHING important, if the files are corrupted that would be the HD messing them up, it should not affect your system later. About the worst that will happen is they won't open and you just delete them at that point.
(I may get crucified for some of this info {from the oldtimers here} but as I first stated, this is what I had experienced and I can only go from there)
Good luck, I would be interested in what happens.

John Q