Photoshop Tutorials, the way...


I was recently thinking of starting a website where users could go and get information on Photoshop tutorials, get help with their questions, and find help on bugs. But mainly just focusing on the internets largest Photoshop tutorial database.

I'd be willing to put a website together and host it from my own web server, if anybody is interested in helping! And if you think it could help support the MacOS X graphics community. What do you think? Should we do it? Would you help submit tutorials and make the database grow?

Post comments here.
Great idea... I like it alot... but i would mostly use it to get the tips since i know very little about the program (although I make some pretty good stuff :D)
I've come up with a very simple design, and would like to know what you guys think about it:

Basicaly in the dark gray area will be tutorial, tips, and design updates, as you can see there is a sample of an new tutorial update already on that page. In the light gray area will be general news/articles/information. Ranging from the website, Photoshop, tutorials in general, and rumors (we get 'em straight from Adobe though. :) )

So what do you think? Stick with it? Or something new?