photoshop won't start anymore


photoshop 7.0 won't start anymore

if i try, it bounces twice or so and then unexpectedly quits.
- i tried a fresh reinstall (after deleting everything that could possibly be related to photoshop)
- i tried another reinstal,
- i updated to 7.0.1, plus the altivec update plugin
- i did a permission check/repare on the volume
- cleaned out all cahces

still it won't start...

on a PB G4 667, 512mb, OSX 10.2.8
lots of disk-space available etc...

i really need it

well, first of all the whole Photoshop folder, and then anything associated (as far as i know), like application-support stuff, pref-files and so on
oh yes,
but this problem is already 2 months old, probably lived through 2 updates of OSX,
and many installs of all kinds of software.
But i don't feel like doing a complete fresh system install..
Maybe just wait for Panther..

do you have more than 1 drive or partition? maybe you could try installing on a different drive (not as a solution but as another clue to what is really wrong.)
i have 3 partitions: osx, os9 and load
tried as you said, on the partition that has no system installed ("load") and the very same problem still occurs.

interesting detail:
i created another account on my machine (also admin),
logged into that...and voila! photoshop runs.
it has to do with my account then.
but WHY?
its not always adobe. ive had things like this happen far too often to me. make sure you have ownership privleges to all your home folder contents. most problems rely in the application support folder, either your keychain, or something else in there. usually not a preference/plist
spitty27 said:
its not always adobe. ive had things like this happen far too often to me. make sure you have ownership privleges to all your home folder contents. most problems rely in the application support folder, either your keychain, or something else in there. usually not a preference/plist

Yea, I'm just pointing out that many of the photoshop preference/application support files don't have "photoshop" in them at all, but always something adobe.
You know, something sort of like this happened to me on OS 9.2.2. Microsoft Word started acting funny, and worked fine on another user account. So if you find some way to fix this sort of thing, I'd like to know what the solution is.