PHP email form not returning multiple checkboxes


I have a monster HTML form located here:

The checkboxes in question are located a bit down on the page, and start with Daily Brush, Frosty Paws Treat, Morning Walk, etc. Each checkbox is coded in this manner:
<input name="dog_1_services_basic_regular[]" type="checkbox" id="dog_1_services_basic_regular[]" value="Daily Brush">
When the form is submitted, it runs a PHP script (emailer.php) that looks like this:

// Variables from form input
$customer_id_number = $_POST['customer_id_number'];
$dropoff_date = $_POST['dropoff_date'];
$pickup_date = $_POST['pickup_date'];
$first_name = $_POST['first_name'];
$last_name = $_POST['last_name'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$city = $_POST['city'];
$state = $_POST['state'];
$zip = $_POST['zip'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$daytime_phone = $_POST['daytime_phone'];
$evening_phone = $_POST['evening_phone'];
$mobile_phone = $_POST['mobile_phone'];
$doctor_name = $_POST['doctor_name'];
$clinic_name = $_POST['clinic_name'];
$clinic_phone = $_POST['clinic_phone'];
$dog_bitten = $_POST['dog_bitten'];
$lodging_plan = $_POST['lodging_plan'];
$dog_1_name = $_POST['dog_1_name'];
$dog_1_breed = $_POST['dog_1_breed'];
$dog_1_sex = $_POST['dog_1_sex'];
$dog_1_sterilized = $_POST['dog_1_sterilized'];
$dog_1_birthdate = $_POST['dog_1_birthdate'];
$dog_1_rabies_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_1_rabies_immunization_date'];
$dog_1_bordetella_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_1_bordetella_immunization_date'];
$dog_1_dhlpp_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_1_dhlpp_immunization_date'];
$dog_1_services_basic_regular = $_POST['dog_1_services_basic_regular'];
$dog_1_services_basic_peak = $_POST['dog_1_services_basic_peak'];
$dog_1_services_delights_regular = $_POST['dog_1_services_delights_regular'];
$dog_1_services_delights_peak = $_POST['dog_1_services_delights_peak'];
$dog_1_walk_or_exercise = $_POST['dog_1_walk_or_exercise'];
$dog_1_services_doggy_day_lodge = $_POST['dog_1_services_doggy_day_lodge'];
$dog_2_name = $_POST['dog_2_name'];
$dog_2_breed = $_POST['dog_2_breed'];
$dog_2_sex = $_POST['dog_2_sex'];
$dog_2_sterilized = $_POST['dog_2_sterilized'];
$dog_2_birthdate = $_POST['dog_2_birthdate'];
$dog_2_rabies_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_2_rabies_immunization_date'];
$dog_2_bordetella_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_2_bordetella_immunization_date'];
$dog_2_dhlpp_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_2_dhlpp_immunization_date'];
$dog_2_services_basic_regular = $_POST['dog_2_services_basic_regular'];
$dog_2_services_basic_peak = $_POST['dog_2_services_basic_peak'];
$dog_2_services_delights_regular = $_POST['dog_2_services_delights_regular'];
$dog_2_services_delights_peak = $_POST['dog_2_services_delights_peak'];
$dog_2_walk_or_exercise = $_POST['dog_2_walk_or_exercise'];
$dog_2_services_doggy_day_lodge = $_POST['dog_2_services_doggy_day_lodge'];
$dog_3_name = $_POST['dog_3_name'];
$dog_3_breed = $_POST['dog_3_breed'];
$dog_3_sex = $_POST['dog_3_sex'];
$dog_3_sterilized = $_POST['dog_3_sterilized'];
$dog_3_birthdate = $_POST['dog_3_birthdate'];
$dog_3_rabies_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_3_rabies_immunization_date'];
$dog_3_bordetella_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_3_bordetella_immunization_date'];
$dog_3_dhlpp_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_3_dhlpp_immunization_date'];
$dog_3_services_basic_regular = $_POST['dog_3_services_basic_regular'];
$dog_3_services_basic_peak = $_POST['dog_3_services_basic_peak'];
$dog_3_services_delights_regular = $_POST['dog_3_services_delights_regular'];
$dog_3_services_delights_peak = $_POST['dog_3_services_delights_peak'];
$dog_3_walk_or_exercise = $_POST['dog_3_walk_or_exercise'];
$dog_3_services_doggy_day_lodge = $_POST['dog_3_services_doggy_day_lodge'];
$message = $_POST['message'];
$agree_to_terms_and_conditions = $_POST['agree_to_terms_and_conditions'];

// Page URLs
$url_form = getenv("http_referer");
$url_error_empty_fields = "error_empty_fields.html";
$url_error_invalid_fields = "error_invalid_fields.html";
$url_unknown_error = "error_unknown.html";
$url_success = "thank_you.html";

// Check for errors (empty fields)
if (empty($dropoff_date) || empty($pickup_date) || empty($first_name) || empty($last_name) || empty($email) || empty($address) || empty($city) || empty($state) || empty($zip) || empty($dog_bitten) || empty($lodging_plan) || empty($agree_to_terms_and_conditions)) {
	header("Location: $url_error_empty_fields");
	exit ;

// Check for errors (invalid fields)
if ($dropoff_date == "MM/DD/YYYY" || $pickup_date == "MM/DD/YYYY") {
	header("Location: $url_error_invalid_fields");
	exit ;

// "Sender Name" <>
$sender = "\"" . $first_name . " " . $last_name . "\" <" . $email . ">";

// Recipient of email
$recipient = "";

// Script variables
$subject = "Dog Registration; " . $dropoff_date . " to " . $pickup_date;
$headers = "From: " . $sender . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Reply-To: " . $sender . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Return-Path: " . $sender . "\r\n";
$headers .= "CC: " . "" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "BCC: " . "" . "\r\n";
$message =
	"----------------------- Contact Info ------------------------\n" .
	"Customer ID #               " . $customer_id_number . "\n" .
	"Owner Name                  " . $first_name . " " . $last_name . "\n" .
	"Street Address              " . $address . "\n" .
	"City, State, Zip            " . $city . ", " . $state . "  " . $zip . "\n" .
	"Email Address               " . $email . "\n" .
	"Daytime Phone #             " . $daytime_phone . "\n" .
	"Evening Phone #             " . $evening_phone . "\n" .
	"Mobile Phone #              " . $mobile_phone . "\n" .
	"\n" .
	"------------------- Preferred Veternarian -------------------\n" .
	"Doctor Name                 " . $doctor_name . "\n" .
	"Clinic Name                 " . $clinic_name . "\n" .
	"Clinic Phone #              " . $clinic_phone . "\n" .
	"Has dog bitten someone?     " . $dog_bitten . "\n" .
	"\n" .
	"-------------------- Reservation Details --------------------\n" .
	"Dog Stay                          " . $dropoff_date . " to " . $pickup_date . "\n" .
	"Plan & Suite                      " . $lodging_plan . "\n" .
	"Dog 1 Services, Basic             " . $dog_1_services_basic_regular . "\n" .
	"Dog 1 Services, Basic (Peak)      " . $dog_1_services_basic_peak . "\n" .
	"Dog 1 Services, Delights          " . $dog_1_services_delights_regular . "\n" .
	"Dog 1 Services, Delights (Peak)   " . $dog_1_services_delights_peak . "\n" .
	"Dog 1 Services, Doggy Day Lodge   " . $dog_1_services_doggy_day_lodge . "\n" .
	"Dog 2 Services, Basic             " . $dog_2_services_basic_regular . "\n" .
	"Dog 2 Services, Basic (Peak)      " . $dog_2_services_basic_peak . "\n" .
	"Dog 2 Services, Delights          " . $dog_2_services_delights_regular . "\n" .
	"Dog 2 Services, Delights (Peak)   " . $dog_2_services_delights_peak . "\n" .
	"Dog 2 Services, Doggy Day Lodge   " . $dog_2_services_doggy_day_lodge . "\n" .
	"Dog 3 Services, Basic             " . $dog_3_services_basic_regular . "\n" .
	"Dog 3 Services, Basic (Peak)      " . $dog_3_services_basic_peak . "\n" .
	"Dog 3 Services, Delights          " . $dog_3_services_delights_regular . "\n" .
	"Dog 3 Services, Delights (Peak)   " . $dog_3_services_delights_peak . "\n" .
	"Dog 3 Services, Doggy Day Lodge   " . $dog_3_services_doggy_day_lodge . "\n" .
	"\n" .
	"--------------------------- Dog 1 ---------------------------\n" .
	"Name                        " . $dog_1_name . "\n" .
	"Breed                       " . $dog_1_breed . "\n" .
	"Sex                         " . $dog_1_sex . "\n" .
	"Sterilized                  " . $dog_1_sterilized . "\n" .
	"Birth Date                  " . $dog_1_birthdate . "\n" .
	"Rabies Immunization         " . $dog_1_rabies_immunization_date . "\n" .
	"Bordetella Immunization     " . $dog_1_bordetella_immunization_date . "\n" .
	"DHLPP Immunization          " . $dog_1_dhlpp_immunization_date . "\n" .
	"\n" .
	"--------------------------- Dog 2 ---------------------------\n" .
	"Name                        " . $dog_2_name . "\n" .
	"Breed                       " . $dog_2_breed . "\n" .
	"Sex                         " . $dog_2_sex . "\n" .
	"Sterilized                  " . $dog_2_sterilized . "\n" .
	"Birth Date                  " . $dog_2_birthdate . "\n" .
	"Rabies Immunization         " . $dog_2_rabies_immunization_date . "\n" .
	"Bordetella Immunization     " . $dog_2_bordetella_immunization_date . "\n" .
	"DHLPP Immunization          " . $dog_2_dhlpp_immunization_date . "\n" .
	"\n" .
	"--------------------------- Dog 3 ---------------------------\n" .
	"Name                        " . $dog_3_name . "\n" .
	"Breed                       " . $dog_3_breed . "\n" .
	"Sex                         " . $dog_3_sex . "\n" .
	"Sterilized                  " . $dog_3_sterilized . "\n" .
	"Birth Date                  " . $dog_3_birthdate . "\n" .
	"Rabies Immunization         " . $dog_3_rabies_immunization_date . "\n" .
	"Bordetella Immunization     " . $dog_3_bordetella_immunization_date . "\n" .
	"DHLPP Immunization          " . $dog_3_dhlpp_immunization_date . "\n" .
	"\n" .
	"---------------- Comments & Additional Notes ----------------\n" .
	$message . "\n" .
	"\n" .
	"----------------------- Miscellaneous -----------------------\n" .
	"Agreed to terms?            " . $agree_to_terms_and_conditions . "\n" .
	"This message was sent from:\n" .

// Send email
if (mail($recipient,$subject,$message,$headers)){
	header("Location: $url_success");
	} else {
	header("Location: $url_unknown_error");

Basically, when I don't have the [] brackets attached to the names of each checkbox on my form, I only get the last checkbox that was checked in my email. I need all of the items that are checked, not just one! In its current form, the only result I get in my email is "Array".

I have since added the [] brackets, and toyed around with the serialize / unserialize PHP functions, and can produce a result that looks like:
a:3:{i:0;s:11:"Daily Brush";i:1;s:14:"Afternoon Walk";i:2;s:11:"Medications";}
...but, I don't know how to make that useable. Any help would be awesome!

I wouldn't use an array for the checkboxes. Just name each checkbox with a unique name i.e. service_1, service_2, service_3 etc.

Then each checkbox will go through to the php script with it's own name.

If that doesn't work, you've completely lost me!
Hey, thanks for the tip, but I would rather have each checkbox values separated by commas on one line in my email (which may text-wrap), as opposed to having to hard code each service into my email template (which will grow to a very large email).
I'm no PHP guru, but it seems like the checkboxes are being returned as an array -- so you may need to access the elements of the array, and not the array directly.

Perhaps a loop that iterates through the array, checking for NULL entries (checkboxes that are unchecked) and non-NULL entries (checkboxes that are checked) and then print them comma-delimited.
foreach ($_POST['dog_1_services_basic_regular'] as $service_basic) {			
     $message .= "Service: $service_basic\n";
Awesome! It's working! :) I took sonjay's code and modified it to more of what ElDiablo was thinking, and I am sure I can come up with a nice solution. Thanks guys. I will try to remember to post the PHP code when I'm all done.
Hmm, I hit another road bump. Here's the code:

// Variables from form input
$customer_id_number = $_POST['customer_id_number'];
$dropoff_date = $_POST['dropoff_date'];
$pickup_date = $_POST['pickup_date'];
$first_name = $_POST['first_name'];
$last_name = $_POST['last_name'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$city = $_POST['city'];
$state = $_POST['state'];
$zip = $_POST['zip'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$daytime_phone = $_POST['daytime_phone'];
$evening_phone = $_POST['evening_phone'];
$mobile_phone = $_POST['mobile_phone'];
$doctor_name = $_POST['doctor_name'];
$clinic_name = $_POST['clinic_name'];
$clinic_phone = $_POST['clinic_phone'];
$dog_bitten = $_POST['dog_bitten'];
$lodging_plan = $_POST['lodging_plan'];
$dog_1_name = $_POST['dog_1_name'];
$dog_1_breed = $_POST['dog_1_breed'];
$dog_1_sex = $_POST['dog_1_sex'];
$dog_1_sterilized = $_POST['dog_1_sterilized'];
$dog_1_birthdate = $_POST['dog_1_birthdate'];
$dog_1_rabies_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_1_rabies_immunization_date'];
$dog_1_bordetella_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_1_bordetella_immunization_date'];
$dog_1_dhlpp_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_1_dhlpp_immunization_date'];
$dog_1_walk_or_exercise = $_POST['dog_1_walk_or_exercise'];
$dog_2_name = $_POST['dog_2_name'];
$dog_2_breed = $_POST['dog_2_breed'];
$dog_2_sex = $_POST['dog_2_sex'];
$dog_2_sterilized = $_POST['dog_2_sterilized'];
$dog_2_birthdate = $_POST['dog_2_birthdate'];
$dog_2_rabies_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_2_rabies_immunization_date'];
$dog_2_bordetella_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_2_bordetella_immunization_date'];
$dog_2_dhlpp_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_2_dhlpp_immunization_date'];
$dog_2_walk_or_exercise = $_POST['dog_2_walk_or_exercise'];
$dog_3_name = $_POST['dog_3_name'];
$dog_3_breed = $_POST['dog_3_breed'];
$dog_3_sex = $_POST['dog_3_sex'];
$dog_3_sterilized = $_POST['dog_3_sterilized'];
$dog_3_birthdate = $_POST['dog_3_birthdate'];
$dog_3_rabies_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_3_rabies_immunization_date'];
$dog_3_bordetella_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_3_bordetella_immunization_date'];
$dog_3_dhlpp_immunization_date = $_POST['dog_3_dhlpp_immunization_date'];
$dog_3_walk_or_exercise = $_POST['dog_3_walk_or_exercise'];
$message = $_POST['message'];
$agree_to_terms_and_conditions = $_POST['agree_to_terms_and_conditions'];
foreach ($_POST['dog_1_services_basic_regular'] as $dog_1_services_basic_regular) {
     $all_dog_1_services .= "\n+Service (Basic / Regular)    $dog_1_services_basic_regular";
foreach ($_POST['dog_1_services_basic_peak'] as $dog_1_services_basic_peak) {
     $all_dog_1_services .= "\n+Service (Basic / Peak)       $dog_1_services_basic_peak";
foreach ($_POST['dog_1_services_delights_regular'] as $dog_1_services_delights_regular) {
     $all_dog_1_services .= "\n+Service (Delights / Regular) $dog_1_services_delights_regular";
foreach ($_POST['dog_1_services_delights_peak'] as $dog_1_services_delights_peak) {
     $all_dog_1_services .= "\n+Service (Delights / Peak)    $dog_1_services_delights_peak";
foreach ($_POST['dog_1_services_doggy_day_lodge'] as $dog_1_services_doggy_day_lodge) {
     $all_dog_1_services .= "\n+Service (Doggy Day Lodge)    $dog_1_services_doggy_day_lodge";
foreach ($_POST['dog_2_services_basic_regular'] as $dog_2_services_basic_regular) {
     $all_dog_2_services .= "\n+Service (Basic / Regular)    $dog_2_services_basic_regular";
foreach ($_POST['dog_2_services_basic_peak'] as $dog_2_services_basic_peak) {
     $all_dog_2_services .= "\n+Service (Basic / Peak)       $dog_2_services_basic_peak";
foreach ($_POST['dog_2_services_delights_regular'] as $dog_2_services_delights_regular) {
     $all_dog_2_services .= "\n+Service (Delights / Regular) $dog_2_services_delights_regular";
foreach ($_POST['dog_2_services_delights_peak'] as $dog_2_services_delights_peak) {
     $all_dog_2_services .= "\n+Service (Delights / Peak)    $dog_2_services_delights_peak";
foreach ($_POST['dog_2_services_doggy_day_lodge'] as $dog_2_services_doggy_day_lodge) {
     $all_dog_2_services .= "\n+Service (Doggy Day Lodge)    $dog_2_services_doggy_day_lodge";
foreach ($_POST['dog_3_services_basic_regular'] as $dog_3_services_basic_regular) {
     $all_dog_3_services .= "\n+Service (Basic / Regular)    $dog_3_services_basic_regular";
foreach ($_POST['dog_3_services_basic_peak'] as $dog_3_services_basic_peak) {
     $all_dog_3_services .= "\n+Service (Basic / Peak)       $dog_3_services_basic_peak";
foreach ($_POST['dog_3_services_delights_regular'] as $dog_3_services_delights_regular) {
     $all_dog_3_services .= "\n+Service (Delights / Regular) $dog_3_services_delights_regular";
foreach ($_POST['dog_3_services_delights_peak'] as $dog_3_services_delights_peak) {
     $all_dog_3_services .= "\n+Service (Delights / Peak)    $dog_3_services_delights_peak";
foreach ($_POST['dog_3_services_doggy_day_lodge'] as $dog_3_services_doggy_day_lodge) {
     $all_dog_3_services .= "\n+Service (Doggy Day Lodge)    $dog_3_services_doggy_day_lodge";

// Page URLs
$url_form = getenv("http_referer");
$url_error_empty_fields = "error_empty_fields.html";
$url_error_invalid_fields = "error_invalid_fields.html";
$url_unknown_error = "error_unknown.html";
$url_success = "thank_you.html";

// Check for errors (empty fields)
if (empty($dropoff_date) || empty($pickup_date) || empty($first_name) || empty($last_name) || empty($email) || empty($address) || empty($city) || empty($state) || empty($zip) || empty($dog_bitten) || empty($lodging_plan) || empty($agree_to_terms_and_conditions)) {
	header("Location: $url_error_empty_fields");
	exit ;

// Check for errors (invalid fields)
if ($dropoff_date == "MM/DD/YYYY" || $pickup_date == "MM/DD/YYYY") {
	header("Location: $url_error_invalid_fields");
	exit ;

// "Sender Name" <>
$sender = "\"" . $first_name . " " . $last_name . "\" <" . $email . ">";

// Recipient of email
$recipient = "";

// Script variables
$subject = "Dog Registration; " . $dropoff_date . " to " . $pickup_date;
$headers = "From: " . $sender . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Reply-To: " . $sender . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Return-Path: " . $sender . "\r\n";
$headers .= "CC: " . "" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "BCC: " . "" . "\r\n";
$message =
	"=== Contact Info ========================================================================\n" .
	"Customer ID #                 " . $customer_id_number . "\n" .
	"Owner Name                    " . $first_name . " " . $last_name . "\n" .
	"Street Address                " . $address . "\n" .
	"City, State, Zip              " . $city . ", " . $state . "  " . $zip . "\n" .
	"Email Address                 " . $email . "\n" .
	"Daytime Phone #               " . $daytime_phone . "\n" .
	"Evening Phone #               " . $evening_phone . "\n" .
	"Mobile Phone #                " . $mobile_phone . "\n" .
	"\n" .
	"=== Preferred Veternarian ===============================================================\n" .
	"Doctor Name                   " . $doctor_name . "\n" .
	"Clinic Name                   " . $clinic_name . "\n" .
	"Clinic Phone #                " . $clinic_phone . "\n" .
	"Has dog bitten someone?       " . $dog_bitten . "\n" .
	"\n" .
	"=== Reservation Details =================================================================\n" .
	"Dog Stay                      " . $dropoff_date . " to " . $pickup_date . "\n" .
	"Plan & Suite                  " . $lodging_plan . "\n" .
	"\n" .
	"=== Dog 1 ===============================================================================\n" .
	"Name                          " . $dog_1_name . "\n" .
	"Breed                         " . $dog_1_breed . "\n" .
	"Sex                           " . $dog_1_sex . "\n" .
	"Sterilized                    " . $dog_1_sterilized . "\n" .
	"Birth Date                    " . $dog_1_birthdate . "\n" .
	"Rabies Immunization           " . $dog_1_rabies_immunization_date . "\n" .
	"Bordetella Immunization       " . $dog_1_bordetella_immunization_date . "\n" .
	"DHLPP Immunization            " . $dog_1_dhlpp_immunization_date . $all_dog_1_services . "\n" .
	"Walk or Exercise              " . $dog_1_walk_or_exercise . " (only if included in plan)\n" .
	"\n" .
	"=== Dog 2 ===============================================================================\n" .
	"Name                          " . $dog_2_name . "\n" .
	"Breed                         " . $dog_2_breed . "\n" .
	"Sex                           " . $dog_2_sex . "\n" .
	"Sterilized                    " . $dog_2_sterilized . "\n" .
	"Birth Date                    " . $dog_2_birthdate . "\n" .
	"Rabies Immunization           " . $dog_2_rabies_immunization_date . "\n" .
	"Bordetella Immunization       " . $dog_2_bordetella_immunization_date . "\n" .
	"DHLPP Immunization            " . $dog_2_dhlpp_immunization_date . $all_dog_2_services . "\n" .
	"Walk or Exercise              " . $dog_2_walk_or_exercise . " (only if included in plan)\n" .
	"\n" .
	"=== Dog 3 ===============================================================================\n" .
	"Name                          " . $dog_3_name . "\n" .
	"Breed                         " . $dog_3_breed . "\n" .
	"Sex                           " . $dog_3_sex . "\n" .
	"Sterilized                    " . $dog_3_sterilized . "\n" .
	"Birth Date                    " . $dog_3_birthdate . "\n" .
	"Rabies Immunization           " . $dog_3_rabies_immunization_date . "\n" .
	"Bordetella Immunization       " . $dog_3_bordetella_immunization_date . "\n" .
	"DHLPP Immunization            " . $dog_3_dhlpp_immunization_date . $all_dog_3_services . "\n" .
	"Walk or Exercise              " . $dog_3_walk_or_exercise . " (only if included in plan)\n" .
	"\n" .
	"=== Comments & Additional Notes =========================================================\n" .
	$message . "\n" .
	"\n" .
	"=== Miscellaneous =======================================================================\n" .
	"Agreed to terms?              " . $agree_to_terms_and_conditions . "\n" .
	"This message was sent from:\n" .

// Send email
if (mail($recipient,$subject,$message,$headers)){
	header("Location: $url_success");
	} else {
	header("Location: $url_unknown_error");

Basically, when I fail to select at least one checkbox in one of the service sections, I get an error message kinda like...
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/stone10/public_html/contact/registration_dog/emailer.php on line 54
How can I modify my script to account for empty values?
Oh, that's easy enough to fix. If none of the checkboxes is checked, that POST variable isn't set, so there's nothing to loop through -- thus, the error you're getting. So, wrap the whole if statement inside another that checks to see if the variable has been set:

if ( isset($_POST['dog_1_services_basic_regular']) ) {
    // your original code here

Now you're checking to see if it's set before you try to loop through it.

You could even do an if/else to do something if they didn't check any of the service boxes:
if ( isset($_POST['dog_1_services_basic_regular']) ) {
     // your original code here
} else {
    // echo "No services wanted" -- or whatever
Awesome; I got it working well. I am definitely tipping to the right as far as left-brain / right-brain orientation goes... programming comes after GUI for me. Thanks for all the help!