PHP just stopped working


I updated to 10.2.4 and sometime later went back to an old project which is PHP working with MySQL an the built in Webserver.

I also changed my hostname.

The website works, but when a PHP script is run the contents of the PHP file are printed into the browser window rather than it being executed.

Any ideas? Anbody run into this before.

Thanks in advance
Your apache file was renamed to httpd.conf.appleupdate or something similar. Look in the /etc/httpd/ directory, and if this is the case, simply remove the new one and rename the old one, or edit the new one if you're worried about updates.. As far as I know the httpd config file doesn't change, because they haven't updated the apache dist. used
A direct hit !!!! Thanks a bunch Pengu, nice going.

I looked at the httpd.conf, but never noticed that it had been replaced and so it was.

Actually, there were changes to the httpd.conf. The big one is the addition of Rendezvous support. With, a 10.2.4 webserver will show up in Safari's Rendezvous bookmarks. I don't know that there were any other major changes, though...
Whatever changes they made, it screwed my Webserver. I'll do a diff on the the versions and put the new changes in manually.

Thanks for the info
Yep. It seems to happen with every update. At least they leave an httpd.applesaved out there for you to repair the 'damage' though. I guess I'd rather that than to have the webserver come up in some weird, insecure state, but I know that I'm not soon going to update my webserver from 10.2.3. I just don't have the time to futz with it... :)
Apple shouldn't really be updating Public Domain a config files, without telling anybody. Its obviously been done on purpose, but makes do-do out of change control.

There are many people out there that know more about Apache than Apple does.
This overwriting of config files doesn't happen to the OSX Server updates, just the reg version of OSX.
Thats goods news for admins who are running production environments using MacOSX servers, the one thing you haev to rely on is that the upgrade only tweaks things it should and report the rest to the admin.