phpinfo() not showing changes

:eek: Eeek, .doc! ;)
Could you send the original file in a .zip or something? I'm afraid that with .doc it might not be coming through in it's proper 'condition'.
The name is to clearly state it's the backup version of the conf file. I keep backups of all my httpd.conf's in the likely case I screw them up :)
Well - Finally getting somewhere. I went back and used the 4.3.4 intstaller and finally things started to work. One thing which is embarassing: after the install, I wasn't restarting the computer. I kept thinking my work G5 was such a magical machine that it didn't need it. I'm still a slave to Microsoft.

Thanks again for everything so far.

Clem C Rock
You shouldn't need to restart the computer, only Apache. I'm going to take a look at the file you sent in a few minutes, I'll let you know what I find :)
I'd like to know what you current state of the problem is? What (if any) errors are you getting?
I couldn't try the version of the httpd.conf file you send, it through in a format which Apache couldn't recognize for some reason.
Things are getting close installation is finally successfull. Just one problem left.

My Includes are getting ignored.

I have the generic document root of: /Library/WebServer/Documents.****For example:**if this script "include_test.php" has this code:

<?*****echo "hello World!"; ?>

and I include it at the top of "test.php" like this:

<?****include( "include_test.php");**?>

Nothing will be printed.****

I'm sure it has to to w/ the php.ini file but that's as far as I can guess.

Thanks for any help.

Clem C
Whew - Finally!!! I've officially got the damn thing running. Would have been sooner had I been able to put more than a few minutes a day into the effort.

Thanks for your help, time, and patience.

Any questions I can help on email them to:
