Picky, Picky, Picky


You can pick your nose, you can pick your friends, but you can' t pick your friend's nose:D

P.S. What do you think of my new signature?

P.P.S. What does P.S. mean?
nummi is right. and yes i like your new sig, noticed it a while back when you changed it. ;)
i believe testuser is also right. but berkeley did play a pretty big part in making it famous:cool:

of course so did a lot of other people and places in the bay area.

or course LSD and most other drugs/alcohol are things i would recomend everyone stay away from until after the age of 18 - when you are done with your neurolgical growth. drugs taken before that can interfere with the healthy developement of neurological systems. many of these you don't get a second chance with.
I agree with Ed!! LCDs all the way!!! Can I get a Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!?!?

I don't do drugs!!I'm proud to be a drug free member of this board:D
sure, i'll wheee with you


let me catch my breath........ok

now that was funny:p

(jadey's link didn't work for me either)

"hold onto your gonads and strife":D
Personally, I don't find it that funny, but whatever floats your boat. I won't crash your party. :p

gonads and strife


I think I didn't get it!

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:p :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
how olddddd are you? i'm 44 and i love it. reminds me of something the Dead Milkmen would have done!!!

better grab "your little gonads" and hang on tight.

"gonads and strife"


:rolleyes: :p :eek: :p
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

i guess i should have read your biography first:p

i'm guessing you don't know who the Dead Milkmen were. check 'em out some time. Who knows their humor might still be funny today!!

i suppose i should be doing something old and fuddyduddyish like

harumpffffffffffffff, humphhhh, humphhhh, harumpffffffffffff

but i think i'd rather


and sing "gonads and strife":D :D :D :eek:
dats dem. :D

thanks testuser. that was so much better than trying to explain that they were this late eighties/early nineties band with a wicked sense of humor and total disregard for the mainstream. :cool:

(that crystal shit band was pretty cool too;) )

I got a Bitchin' Camero - better hold on to your gonads and strife:p